Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Last Workout Before France

Was surfing the Internet last night and I discoved there is a big rugby game at the Stade Francais on Friday night, so I've added that to my plans for Paris. Should be good times. If they sell that thing out, there would be 80,000 people there. Crazy.

So last workout before I head out...

1A) DB Incline Press - 90x3x6
1B) Chinups - 4x10

2A) Pushups
2B) Rows

Finished with six 40-yard sprints in the park.

And then a blender drink gone right:

  • raspberries

  • 1 banana

  • almond milk

  • walnuts

  • spinach

  • sesame seeds

  • cacao nibs

  • flax meal

  • oatmeal

After that had lunch of wild rice, kidney beans, a whole avocado, and salsa.

And then I was talking to someone about the best books for strength coaches, and I highly recommend Joe Kenn's Strength Training Playbook.

=> Click here for Coach Kenn's book

Finally, I got into another discussion with my buddy about the upcoming NFL season, and he said Brady Quinn should have a good year.

Here's a video of me demo-ing Brady's workout for Menshealth.com

=> http://snipurl.com/craigisbrady


Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

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