Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday Deadlift Session

This program is still feeling really good...workout C today. Should make some good progress in the next 4 weeks.

1) Deadlift - 4x5 at 315

2A) Military Press - 3x5 at 125
2B) BB Lunge - 2x10
2C) Biceps Chins - 4x8 (Pull more with your biceps than your lats)

3) DB Row - 1 set of 12 (wanted to do 20 reps put my forearms are a little beat up)

That's it. Now packing to head out of town for the weekend, including lots of fruits and vegetables I have in the fridge.

But if you want a lesson in packing for a trip veggie style, check out this amazing video from Kardena Pauza...

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, The Lazy Man's Guide to Vegetarian Eating

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Next time Kardena travels she might want to ask security to hand inspect her bag so her food is not exposed to the radiation from the x-ray machine.Great information for traveling.
