Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Back From Europe

I'm back from Europe. Good to hitting the weights and blender drinks again.

Today's workout:

Hang Cleans, DB Incline Press, Pullups, Decline Pushups, Front Squats.

Today's Blender drink: Banana, frozen strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, spinach, almond milk, walnuts, sesame seeds, peanut butter, cacao nibs.

Top 3 things I missed while in Europe:

#3 - Blender drinks

#2 - Lifting weights

#1 - The insane lunatic, Bally the Dog. He'll be home from doggy camp soon.

Top 3 "surprises" from Europe

#3 - The food in Brussels, Amsterdam, and Paris. It was better than expected in all cities.

#2 - The Grand Place in Brussels.

#1 - Montmartre in Paris. Will post more photos soon.

Above is a photo of the Eiffel tower at night from the hill at Montmartre,


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