Wednesday, July 01, 2009

5 Reasons Why You Need Help With Your Diet

So I started a new vegetarian diet this month but I made one big mistake. I didn't plan ahead.

And that meant I spent all day trying to figure out what to eat so that I wasn't eating the same foods for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Then I realized, that's what happens to so many of my clients when they start a new fat loss diet. They just don't know what to eat.

Just another reason I give these meal plans my HIGHEST recommendation.

Seriously, if you want to lose fat and transform your body, you MUST get these meal plans to guarantee your success.

=> Click here to get started with your fat loss meal plans

Still not convinced? Take a look at these 5 reasons you need to get these meal plans today:

1) They are only available at the 50% off price until Friday night. If you wait till next Monday, you'll have to pay $97, not $47.

2) The meal plans are DONE for YOU. You don't have to think or stress. All you need to do is shop and eat. And hey, even I can do that!

3) They will save you time. The grocery list is done for you. The planning is done for you. It will save you at least 2 hours per week, and you can't put a price on that.

4) The meal plans are full of variety. Don't be silly like me and Bally the Dog who are always eating the same foods for every meal. If you want to lose fat on a diet that is delicious with loads of variety, these meal plans are perfect.

5) The results are guaranteed and backed by a 60-day money back plan. If you don't agree these are the best fat burning meal plans, just let them know and they'll give you your money back within 60 days.

No offense, but you're not a nutrition professional. And even if you are, a good professional knows that even they need professional help too!

After all, that's why I'm getting nutrition consulting from a coach on my new vegetarian diet. So everyone needs help. And when the meal plans are done for you like this, you can't go wrong.

I look forward to hearing about your success,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Did I mention they are only on sale at 50% off until Friday?

So get these today before you take off for the holiday weekend, and get set to lose fat with the perfect meal plan next week.

Go here to get started with your fat loss meal plans:


"Hey Craig! Just wanted to let you know that I'm almost done the 1600 cal 7-day eating plan and have lost 5 lbs! I'm thrilled that I've finally managed to get going on my 20lb weight loss program, and it's also given me ideas on how to proceed without feeling like I'm 'on a diet'. Of course your training and daily emails and messages have helped tremendously too."
Rosanne Foy

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