Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Squat Workout & Vegan Meals

I was beat during/after this workout. Whooped. Must have been the heat in the gym and the terrible sleep I had last night…

1) Overhead Squat – 115x5

2A) Parallel Squat – 325x3x5, 275x7
2B) Bodyweight Row – 26, 18

3A) Full Squat – 195x3x10
3B) Back Extension 2x10

Then for food...

2:30pm – After Workout
• ¼ of a watermelon
• Bowl of Ezekial Almond cereal (1.5 cups), 1 cup almond milk, strawberries

4pm – Snack
• 2 cups applesauce
• 3 oz almonds

Deadlift on Friday,


PS - Don't miss this kettlebell bodyweight circuit workout


  1. Craig, that is some serious leg training. Quick question about your after workout meals specifically the almond milk. Any specific reason for this choice? ie. lactose intolerance, taste, less calories...

  2. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Craig - how's the weight after a month on the diet?


  3. Jay, it is the same. This diet fills you up pretty quick. I need more force feeding or I need to find easier ways to get calories that don't fill me up. Still searching for good ones.

  4. CB, have you tried using coconut oil for those extra calories?
