Wednesday, June 03, 2009

New Workout and Diet Depletion Video

Fast and well designed, but performance was poor…

I had a bit of an injury on the weekend while on an adventurous hike…I jumped off an 8 foot ledge and landed on some hard ground. I thought I broke my heels…but fortunately not and I got fixed up well at the chiro with some ART.

Today's workout was…

1) Overhead Squats – 85x3x5

2A) Medium Stance Parallel Squats – 295x3x5
2B) Cable External Rotations – 3x6

3) Olympic (Full) Squat – 175x3x10

4A) Back Extension – 15x3x12
4B) Pullups – 6; Chin-ups – 10; Inverted Row – 20

2pm – Small After Workout Lunch
- 2 bananas (on walk home – still struggling with something to replace chocolate milk)
- 2 slices spelt bread
- 1 tablespoon organic cashew butter
- 1/8th watermelon
- Some cherries

4pm – Late Lunch (due to afternoon phone interviews)
- 4 slices Spelt bread with 2-3 tbspn raw almond butter + some blueberries

Don't miss the diet depletion video below,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS


  1. Melissa4:41 PM

    You should either make your own chocolate milk (cocoa powder and stevia can be melted together in a bit of milk/water to make a syrup), or make a fruit/plain yogurt smoothie-type drink ahead of time, with sweet enough fruit that wouldn't even need sweetener.

  2. Anonymous5:53 PM


  3. Of course, I forgot about the dairy, no need to shout :). A non-dairy milk without added sweetener (I've used rice or almond before) would also work for option 1, and a kefir type fruit drink might work well in place of option 2, or a simple fruit drink without the fermentation, but still pre-made, maybe add silken tofu for protein.

  4. Atherosclerosis considerably decreases your mental activity! Don't become silly! But I know, how to lose weight!
