Friday, June 19, 2009

Friday Deadlift Workout

I like saving Deadlifts for Friday. It's an exercise that makes you feel like you've earned a cold beer.

So today was deadlift day...

1) Deadlift – 345x2 (overhand personal best), 385x3x2 (alternate grip), 315x10

2A) 1-Arm DB Shoulder Press (3x5 with 70)

2B) Good Morning (185x3x8)
2C) Cable Abs

After the workout I had 2 bananas, 2 cups of Hemp Bliss (tastes like dirt!), and a 1/4 of a watermelon.

Good one,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - If you need a five minute workout...

...check out my other blog here:

Five Minute Bodyweight Workout


  1. You mean hemp bliss isn't as good as chocolate milk after a nice deadlift workout??? Haha, it's almost July, man.

  2. Anonymous11:22 PM

    yuck! Are you going to go through July also?

  3. Hi Craig just wondering is chocolate milk as workout supplement sufficient?And how many pack u drink per week???
