Saturday, April 04, 2009

7-day Fat Burning Zone Guide

The "cardio fat burning zone" is a joke, so don't even bother with those types of workouts.
Instead, focus on the four "hot zones" of the body that you'lldiscover in this week's coaching call.
You'll discover...
- 3 Hot Zone workouts
- 7 Tips to getting INSANE amounts of ALL-DAY energy
- The one bodyweight exercise NOT to do if you want to keep your shoulders healthy

- The shocking truth about personal trainers & negative calorie foods
- How to get 40 grams of protein per meal without meat or protein shakes
Helping you train right,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Ready to hit all FOUR fat burning hot zones of your body?

Stop wasting your time on slow, boring, ineffective cardio and join the thousands of TT users by trying one of the PROVEN fat burning TT programs for less than the cost of a medium pizza from Domino's.


  1. Craig,
    Thanks for your comment on my blog. I am so glad I found you !I've gotten more noticable results from your program in the past 3 months than I've gotten from 2 years of trying literally EVERYTHING out there ! Your my hero ! I tell anyone who will listen to me about your program !

  2. Besides your well noted tips, thank you for making me laugh hysterically on the 'bunny killers' part in your mp3. Keep up the work good lad.

  3. Craig, after researching a number of workout routines, I'm excited to implement your theories. I'm starting with a PT on Wednesday. Any advice or questions I should ask before getting started?

  4. Hi Corey!

    Not sure what you mean...questions about?
