Wednesday, April 08, 2009

5 Minute Muscle Building Workouts

Couple of 5-Minute Muscle Building Workouts for you to do over the long weekend...
Here's one from me...using same dumbbell weight for each exercise:
1A) DB Split Squat - Choose a weight that allows 8 reps per set
1B) DB Chest Press - As many reps as possible
1C) DB Row - As many reps as possible

Rest 30 seconds and try and get through that circuit one more time.
And now one from Vince DelMonte.

Here's a Superset of a "stretch exercise" paired with a contraction exercise:

Exercise 1: Incline DB Curls for 60 seconds
Exercise 2: Standing Barbell Curls 60 seconds

Rest 60 seconds

Exercise 3: Skull Crushers for 60 seconds
Exercise 4: Rope Pressdowns for 60 seconds
Have a great weekend,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS


  1. Anonymous5:01 PM

    i feel like your becoming more of a sell out by the day. i have loved this blog for a while, you have always filled it with useful information about YOUR philosophy, which I think is the best. however, lately it has turned into an infomercial. you are advertising different strategies that contradict each other and have nothing to do with what you profess. Vince Delmonet is a bodybuilder, he doesn't advocate the athletic type training and lifestyle that you have always stressed. In fact, I recall numerous instances in which you have bashed the bodybuilding lifestyle and approach. I hope that you don't take this post too personally, as I really respect you, All I'm saying is that i look on this blog to hear from you, not other people who have nothing to do with you.

  2. I have to agree with the previous poster. I love this blog and read it often; you really know what you are talking about. However, I do agree it is becoming more like an infomercial.

  3. Not to jump on the bandwagon, but I have to agree with the previous two posts. Please, keep it true to TT and don't become a Tony Little.

    Oh yea, and curls are for girls :)

  4. Again, I hate to jump on the bandwagon, but find I do have to agree.
    I guess we all change direction/resources/ideas etc etc, and the other guys and products you "promote" are great stuff and really valid, but like other posters here, I log on for TT Craig Ballantyne info and insights.

  5. Anonymous10:37 AM

    haha low and behold, after these two posts, another stupid fasting post.

  6. Anonymous10:37 AM

    haha low and behold, after these two posts, another stupid fasting post.
