Thursday, April 23, 2009

5 Minute Bodyweight Interval Workout

Yesterday I had to take Bally the Dog to vet after I did a short bodyweight interval workout.

You see, lil' old poopy pants (as I'm calling him now) ate
something funky the other day...and we've had to make a few 2am
trips outside. Not fun. But he's all fixed up now.

As a result, I didn't have much time for a Thursday workout.

My "go to" workout on really busy days - like yesterday - is simply to crank out as many bodyweight squats as possible. And maybe some stability ball abs too.

1) So that's one option for this week's 5-minute workout.

2) And here's another bodyweight interval circuit workout for you...

Watch the video here:

=> Bodyweight Exercise Interval Circuit

3) And here's a FULL workout from the latest TT workout of the month, TT AAA Abs:

=> Best Fat Burning Workout

Helping you get more results in less time,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - The full TT AAA Abs program is available...

...for only $9.95.

That's less than the cost of two bottles of water at a Yankees game!

=> Click here to get the full TT for AAA Abs program

"I just wanted to say that I do think AAA is one of my favorite TT workouts also. It is very different from the "usual" TT workouts. Thanks Craig, for keeping it fun!"
Tabitha Bynum, TT Member


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