Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Weight Loss Workouts and Your Why

The Toughest Question to Ask Yourself About Your Weight Loss Workouts

By: Daniel Munday

Have you ever had a big event that was the driving force behind a new campaign of weight loss workouts?

It may have been your wedding, or you may have been a bridesmaid for your best friend, or it may even have been a school reunion where you wanted to show up everyone that used to give you grief back in the day.

There is usually a big WHY involved in ramping up your training or even getting you started no matter what your special event is.

I’ve been thinking about this lately because I’ve just started planning my own wedding with my fiancĂ© so it’s got me thinking about the real meaning of the big WHY that little bit deeper.

The WHY is the driving force that gets you out of bed every morning to inspire you to achieve any goal, whether it is your weight loss workouts that will get you into that dress so that you are the envy of your friends and the centre of attention like you should be or whether it is related to
your career or even your family and relationship goals.

The more I think about it, the more I realise that if you haven’t figured out your big WHY for anything, especially your weight loss workouts, the more you will be going around and around in circles and destined for failure.

As the old saying goes, “if you do what you’ve always done, you get what you always got”. Not exactly ideal if you are trying to get that perfect look for your wedding day or that big event is it?

The reason behind your why is going to be strictly personal. It may be for purely superficial reasons, it may be for your health or you may even do it for your kids. It doesn’t matter what the driving force behind your why is, the most important take home point is that you actually have a reason why.

How can you find your why?

Take a moment for some self reflection and see what is truly your driving force. What gets you out of bed everyday? It has to be that end goal that will keep you going when it gets too cold or too hot or too whatever. It has to be that excuse breaker.

Take some time and find out your real reason why.

Your weight loss workouts will never be more productive when you have figured it out and if you are ever struggling for motivation on any given day, your thoughts will be drawn to the big why that will drive you to achieve whatever your mind can conceive.

Let’s fast forward a little bit now to the day when you achieve your big why. Imagine how good you are feeling. Imagine how everything is just falling into place and imagine the compliments that you are getting.

Got that picture? Great. Go and run with it and start thinking about your WHY.

by Daniel Munday


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