Sunday, March 15, 2009

Weekend Workouts

Had 2 really great workouts this weekend...including a deadlift workout after a 21 hour fast. My flight from Jersey landed at 12:30, and I got through customs and back home and to the gym by 1:35.

I got right to work, working up to 355 in the deadlift (double overhand hook grip, no straps, no belt, all muscle). Followed by 2 sets of 3 at 335 and then 4 sets of 8-10 at 245.

Next up was Military Press paired with Good Mornings, and then 24 pullups to finish off (8,6,5,5). That was it. In and out in 45 minutes, and then I ended my 22 hour fast.

After, I picked up Bally the Dog from the dog sitters, and we did a nice 90 minute tour of Toronto.

On Sunday, after a 60 minute dog walk through high park to start the day, I immediately came home, did 30 minutes of writing, and then ran as fast as I could to the gym - 11 minutes (a new record). As soon as I got there, I met a friend and put them through the upcoming April TT AAA Abs Workout A. And I joined them. It was insane.

That looks like it will be the hardest TT workout ever.

Haven't trained like that in a while but it was a lot of fun. I can't wait to share that workout with you. Look for it, late March or April 1st. It's no joke.

=> Click here to join TT Members and be the first folks to get April's TT AAA Abs

And then I did some hill sprints on the way home, but I was pretty beat...

After lunch, I did a 2.5 hour dog walk with Bally the Dog, covering Little Portugal, Little Italy, Kensington Market, Queen Street West, and Little Poland.

Good times.

How was your weekend?

Tell me about your workouts,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:21 PM

    I have been working out 26 days in a row. I have not missed a day. I am feeling better than I have in 4-5 years. Being at my heaviest my goal was to create a habit. 40 days Straight. I've always been a weight lover versus cardio.

    I do 10 minutes of cardio and blast right into weights. I hit every body part with 2-3 sets... with very little rest in between. I am in and out of the gym in about 45min.

    I am eating low to slow carb and really want to try the ESE. I've fasted 5 days before on a number of occasions using the Lemonade Diet Elimination Plan. I always felt strong doing it too. The results were great over all.

    I am losing about 1.5 - 1.75 pds per week so far. I am going to try the ESE once per week starting this week and will check in.

    Any suggestions after I finish my 40 days of hitting the gym?


    Jeff in Vaughan.
