Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Me vs. Pizza


  1. Haha perfect, Craig! I wish I could show this to everyone in the gym on their stupid treadmill tv screens while they waste their time.

  2. Wazzup12:39 PM

    Way more important, what kind of pizza was that :-) (as in what topping)

    And I saw Brad was throwing the crust away... what's that.. low carb ? :-)

  3. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Half a pizza = 900 calories? Ridiculous.

    1/2 a pizzais about 300 calories.

    Running up a steep incline for a heavy person is about 23 calories a minute.

    That means in 0 minutes = 230 calories.

    1/2 a pizza in 10 minutes seems about right unless you're a pig.

    No after effect of pizza BUT there is an after effect for running.


  4. @Anonymous

    Maybe you should check your sources. Because apparently a 14" Domino's cheese pizza is 1632 calories, making half a pizza 816 - less than 900 sure, but waaayyy closer to that than 230. Not sure how many slices you think make up a half...


  5. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Haha, gosh, Craig halfway through.. "23 calories!"

    Great video. It puts things in perspective. Working out is very important, but in the end; your diet is king.
