Friday, March 13, 2009

7-day Abs Workout Guide

Ready to work on burning belly fat and sharpening up those abs this week with my classic TT ab workouts? Then let's get started with your 7-day abs workout guide.

=> Click here to listen to the coaching call

Monday – March 16th

First, let's start with a Transformation Tip. We need to make sure you are doing the workouts the right way. I get the odd email from folks saying that TT is too easy. Too easy? Are you crazy?

If you think TT is too easy, you must check out this story...

=> Turbulence Training is Easy?

Alright, now time for our workout review, starting with Workout A from TT for Abs, Sept 2007.

(Click here to grab your copy of the full TT for Abs workout)

Workout A

After your warm-up circuit, hit these supersets and ab circuit workout...

1A) DB Split Squat – 8 reps per leg (2-0-1)
1B) DB Chest Press – 8 reps (4-0-1)

2A) DB Row – 20 reps (1-0-1)
2B) DB 1-Arm Shoulder Press – 15 reps per arm (2-0-1)

3A) Lying DB Triceps Extension – 10 reps (2-0-1)
3B) Chin-up – 8 reps (3-0-1)

Ab Circuit
A) Stability Ball Rollout – 10 reps (2-0-1)
B) Stability Ball Jackknife – 15 reps (2-1-1)
C) Cable Chop or Medicine Ball Chop – 10 reps per side (2-0-1)

Interval Workout A

Tuesday - Happy St. Patrick's Day!

On Tuesday, get 30 minutes of activity, but don't be spending it in the pub! Instead, do something fun outside, and take advantage of the daylight savings time (if you live in the Northern Hemi).

And then check out my new blog post called, "Fat Loss is Easy" at => Fat Loss is Easy

Time for another workout rundown...let's hit:

TT Workout B from TT for Abs, Sept 2007

1A) DB Bulgarian Split Squat – 8 reps per leg (2-1-1)
1B) Elevated Pushup – 12 reps per side (2-0-1)

2A) Pull-up – 8 reps (4-0-1) OR Inverted Rows – 15 reps (2-0-1)
2B) Bear Crawl – 10 steps in each direction

3A) DB Swing – 20 reps (1-0-1)
3B) Burpees – 10 reps (fast)

Ab Circuit
A)Turkish Get Up – 10 reps per side
B) Plank – 60 second hold
C) Side Plank – 40 second hold

NO Intervals. You've done enough already!

Now let's take a look at Workout C from my current 3-day workout program...

1) Deadlift (3 RM, 4x8)
2A) Military Press (4x6-8)
2B) Good Morning (4x10)
3A) Pistol (3xMax)
3B) Pullups (40 reps)

Whew. The basics are the best.

Another day for 30 minutes of easy activity...

Now for a Q'n'A session with one of my hedge fund clients...

Q: Should I monitor/keep track of my daily calories if I want to drop weight or should just "figure" it out through trial and error?

I want you to spend 10-14 days tracking your calories and you'll learn everything you need to know about calorie intake and calorie levels of certain foods to last you a lifetime.

Do this intensive little study and you'll never have to try and count calories again because you'll have all that info in your head.

Finally, Friday! Let's celebrate with...

TT Workout C from TT for Abs, Sept 2007

1A) DB Forward Lunge – 8 reps per leg (2-0-1)
1B) DB Incline Press – 8 reps (2-0-1)

2A) DB Row with Stability Ball – 15 reps (1-0-1)
2B) DB 1-Arm Squat & Press – 12 reps per arm (2-0-1)

3A) Decline Close Grip Pushup – 12 reps (2-2-1)
3B) DB 1-Arm Standing Curl – 8 reps (3-0-1)

4A) Plank with Arms on Ball – 20-30 second hold
4B) X-Body Mountain Climber – 10 reps per side (1-0-1)

Interval Workout B

Saturday - First day of spring here in North America!

Social Support Saturdays! Contact some support and talk about success stories and overcoming obstacles.

Oh, and if you wouldn't mind, could you tell a few friends about Turbulence Training or this podcast or my blogs? That would be really cool!

Thanks so much!

Now here's a bonus Interval Training Circuit you can do...

• Warm-up – 5 minutes at a moderate pace

• Interval #1 (60 seconds at 8/10 intensity level)
• Without rest, do 5 Spiderman Pushups per side
• Rest 1 minute before moving to Interval #2.

• Interval #2 (45 seconds at 8/10 intensity level).
• Without rest, do 10 Mountain Climbers per side
• Rest 1 minute before moving to Interval #3.

• Interval #3 (60 seconds at 8/10 intensity level).
• Without rest, do 5 Bird Dogs per side – brace your abs!
• Rest 1 minute before repeating Intervals #1-#3 one more time each.

• Cool-down for 5 minutes.


Ok, take some time to plan, shop, & prepare your food for the next week.

And let's take a look at the 2000 calorie vegan meal plan from my friend, John Alvino.

=> Click here for the Veggie Meal Plan

Well, that's it. Tons of info here...

Next week!
• More transformation tips
• Let me know what workout you'd like me to break down…
• More ab exercise tips

Stay tuned,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Click here for all of the Turbulence Training Ten Dollar Workouts


  1. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Totally agree with your calorie counting idea - ie, do it once and you'll remember it forever. It's second nature to me now.

  2. HI Craig. I just did this workout today but I am confused. Am I supposed to do all the supersets once or am I to repeat them. There is no mention of it. Also I cannot do chin ups. Is there any other alternative exercise for this.


  3. HI Craig. I just did this workout today but I am confused. Am I supposed to do all the supersets once or am I to repeat them. There is no mention of it. Also I cannot do chin ups. Is there any other alternative exercise for this. One more thing... The wednesday workout has another complete workout which has the deadlift and pistol... Is one supposed to do that with the Wednesday routine?

  4. Who says that TT is easy at all? I think your all wrong TT is hard to do but interesting because TT workout is not easy as long as you do it in a intense period of time and proper form of your workout.. Believe me because last Monday when im done my TT workout my Heart is pumping intensely like I never had before and my sweat is non stop until i finished working out.. Thanks for TT workout Craig..
