Thursday, February 05, 2009

Today's Diet and Workout

6:30am - 60 minute dog walk through High Park

9am - Breakfast #1 - Pecans, Blueberries, Peanut Butter, Coconut Flakes (all mixed in a big bowl)

11am - Breakfast #2 - omelet (4 omega-3 eggs, red onion, mushrooms, broccoli, red and green peppers) over spinach with salsa, 1 orange, 1/2 grapefruit

1pm - Workout

1A) Good Morning - 3x5
1B) Military Press - 3x6

2A) Front Squat - 3x10
2B) Chinups - 3x12

3) Back Extensions - 3x10

Snuck in 2 sets of barbell curls too. That's it. I'm off the pain train till Saturday. Lats are sore, hamstrings are sore. Might do some bodyweight or kettlebell (easy stuff) tomorrow with a client as they go through the March Madness Circuit workout B. They loved workout A, and it only gets better with B and C.

Watch for that workout on March 1st.

But until then, is featuring the popular, "TT for Buff Dudes and Hot Chicks" program.

2pm - Chocolate milk and a couple of cherry licorice

4pm - Hummus, vegetables, 1 pear, 2oz nuts.

Not sure where we're going for dinner tonight...if I stay home, I'll resort to Amy's Organic Chili over spinach, with added mushrooms and red onion to the chili. (Dang, no cheese in the house! Or meat!)

Calories are low today, but I feel like eating light for a couple of days after going off-track in Baja.

Good to be home,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Here are my top 3 diet/nutrition resources for you...

These will help you eat for fat loss:

1) Eat Stop Eat

2) The Proven Fat Loss Diet

3) The Ultimate Healthy Eating Guide & Recipe Book

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm.

    March Madness Circuit....nice, CB. Nice.

