Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Fat Loss Diet After Mexico

Time for a nutrition confession...when I was in Mexico last week, I was probably only at 70% compliance with my diet. I apologize for not doing better...more on my dietary mistakes below.

But first, a little note about my nutrition redemption...

After 3 hours of sleep, I left for the San Diego airport at 4:30am on Tuesday morning, flying first to Chicago and finally home to Toronto by 5:30pm.

And as soon as I got home, I did a quick Kettlebell and bodyweight workout before Bally the Dog got home from his week-long stay at the dogsitters (where he was a good boy, except for eating the dogsitter's sunglasses last Friday).

After my workout I finally got my fix of fresh vegetables and fruit. I had raw broccoli and peppers with hummus, and 2 bananas and a pear with almond butter. Drank some Green Tea, too.

This was so much better than the weekend's nutrition. Heck, I was going through healthy eating withdrawal while living the off-road racing life in Mexico!

We ate like kings each night after a long day of driving. There was lots of beef, chicken, and fish, and we even had an old fashioned clam bake one night on the coast in San Felipe.

But overall, I didn't eat according to my preferred diet plan.

In addition to all that meat, we had quesadillas every day, and there was always a tempting bowl of chips and salsa on the table, plus it was hard to resist a couple of cold beers after a long day of treacherous driving in the dust.

We also had...

- amazing carne asada in San Felipe

- a Superbowl feast while watching the game in Ensenada

- a classic cowboy meal of steak and baked potato at the Horsepower Ranch where we started our trip

So yeah, I ate a lot of food on that trip. Definitely rewarded myself for all the proper eating I do back home.

Now I'm back on track. And to be honest, I prefer to eat my multi-meals of whole, natural foods per day, focusing on fruits, vegetables, raw nuts, and the basic rules found in my favorite nutrition book.

I truly believe that if you follow the diet program in this nutrition book you will hit that sweet spot where you'll never, EVER get fat again.

That's right...with this program, you couldn't get fat if you TRIED!

If eating multiple small meals per day of whole, natural foods fits your personality, I highly recommend this diet program. Grab your  copy here:

=> Proven Fat Loss Diet Nutrition Book

Helping you (and me) get our diets back on track,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - What the heck was I doing down in Mexico?

Well, I'm part of a group that combines business meetings with adventure travel. We do these fun trips a couple times per year, and I have the "Internet Lifestyle" to thank for that.

If you are interested in starting an Internet-based business, please visit my website for your free reports, including 7 secrets on how to skyrocket your website sales and live the Internet Lifestyle.

Go here for more info on creating an online business and creating more freedom in your life for family and fun:

=> Click here to start an Internet business and work from home

Let me know how I can help you succeed online!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Welcome home, Craig. You're lead us by example, and it's also nice to see that you're human and aren't perfect 100% of the time. :)

