Saturday, February 21, 2009

7-Day Fat Burning Guide & Workout Plan

Do you want to lose belly fat this week? If so, then you'll love this 7-day fat loss guide full of workout tips, motivation, inspiration, and mindset shifting.

Click here to download the 7-Day Fat Loss Audio Guide

Let's get started with the Transformation Tip of the Week.

In order to transform your body you must get out of your comfort zone. As Kekich Credo #1 says…

“People will do almost anything to stay in their comfort zones. If you want to accomplish anything, get out of your comfort zone. Strive to increase order and discipline in your life.

"Discipline usually means doing the opposite of what you feel like doing. The easy roads to discipline are…

• Setting deadlines

• Discovering & doing what you do best & what’s important & enjoyable to you

• Focusing on habits by replacing your bad habits and thought patterns, one-by-one, over time, with good habits and thought patterns

Those are 3 easy ways to get in a fat burning mindset. So set deadlines to take action, discover the diet and exercise program you like best (and that works), and focus on creating better habits every day using the Ballantyne Baby-Step System (BBSS).

Monday Workout
TT Workout A 2K8
(Click here to download TT2K8 in the TT Member's area)

1A) DB Forward Lunge – 8 repetitions per side (2-0-1)
No rest.
1B) DB Incline Press – 8 repetitions (3-0-1)
Rest 1 minute & repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.

2A) DB Row – 8 repetitions per side (2-0-1)
No rest.
2B) Stability Ball Leg Curl – 20 repetitions (1-0-1)
Rest 1 minute & repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.

3A) DB Deep Step-up – 8 repetitions per side (2-0-1)
No rest.
3B) Decline Close-grip Pushups – As many reps as possible (1-0-1)
Rest 1 minute & repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.

Interval Training Workout A

This is one of the programs that makes Turbulence Training the greatest and fastest fat loss program in the world.

You have to listen to the call for this section…I blow the doors off the “definition of health and fitness” and the “Cardio mentality”.

It will offend some, upset many, and challenge everyone.

I’ll cover cardio and health, longevity, true fitness, fat loss, and athletic performance.

Click here to listen to the crazy cardio call!

TT Workout B 2K8 (January 2008)

1A) DB Squat – 12 repetitions (3-0-1)
No rest.
1B) DB Triple Press – 6 repetitions per position (2-0-1)
Rest 1 minute & repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.

2A) Inverted Row with Feet on Ball – 15 repetitions (2-0-1)
No rest.
2B) Plank with Elbows on Ball (30 seconds)
Rest 1 minute & repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.

3A) DB Close-grip Floor Press – 8 repetitions (2-0-1)No rest.
3B) DB Pullover – 8 repetitions (3-0-1)
Rest 1 minute & repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.

Interval Workout – 1-Arm Kettlebell or Dumbell (DB) Swings
  • 2 warm up sets of 6 reps per arm with 30 seconds of rest between sets.
  • 5 sets of 15 reps per arm with 30 seconds of rest between sets.
  • 5-minute walking cool-down.
Alright, I’m off to LA, but will get my 30 minutes of activity, probably doing bodyweight exercises.

Click here for the 10 best bodyweight exercises

There’s one more workout from TT2K8 to go over…

1A) Chin-up – As many repetitions as possible (3-0-1)
No rest.
1B) DB 1-Arm Shoulder Press – 8 repetitions per side (2-0-1)
Rest 1 minute & repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.

2A) 1-Leg Squat – 8 repetitions per side (3-0-1)
No rest.
2B) DB Fly – 10 repetitions (3-0-1)
Rest 1 minute & repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.

3A) DB Chest Supported Row on Incline Bench – 12 repetitions (2-0-1)
No rest.
3B) Ab Wheel or Stability Ball Rollout – 8 repetitions (3-0-1)
Rest 1 minute & repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.

Interval Training Workout B

Everyone ready for “Social Support Saturdays”?

I’ll be in LA at a seminar, a really busy schedule, so again, I’ll be hitting bodyweight stuff…probably a hotel room workout. Check out the hotel room workout I’ve put on the site at:


And grab your copy with the new 3-pay payment plan.

Take some time to plan, shop, & prepare and get your groceries done and meals prepared. And if you have a chance, watch this cool video tour of the “farm” where I grew up.


Next week, we are going to cover the legendary TT2K9!

You are going to love it!

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

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