Saturday, January 17, 2009

Turbulence Training Seminar & Bodyweight Cardio Special

Sorry that you missed the amazing, 1st Ever Turbulence Training this weekend. I met dozens of TT Members from as far away as California who came all the way to Toronto to discover the TT bodyweight fat burning secrets.

My favorite part of the day was sharing the behind-the-scenes details on the Bodyweight Cardio programs. I also spoke with several folks who wanted a special deal on the Ultimate Bodyweight DVD package, so I've decided to knock off $100 from the regular price.

Click here to grab your Post-TT Seminar Deal on the Bodyweight DVD's

(Plus, you get a free 1-Year Platinum Membership, too!)

And in this week's TT 7-Day Fat Burning Coaching Call, I have more bodyweight info to give you. I'll give you a backstage look at Phase 1 of the 6-Month Bodyweight Manual.

Click Here to download & listen to this week's call

Or read the highlights below...

Time for another Transformation Tip. "Planning is the Key to Success". This means planning everything from your diet to your workouts and even to relaxation time.

Now let's take a look at Workout A from Phase 1 of the 6-Month TT Bodyweight Manual...

BW Phase 1 Workouts

  • Warmups are built in to each of the circuits.
  • Interval training is optional after the workouts.
  • The first time you do the program, do only one circuit, but in following workouts you can do up to 3 circuits.
Circuit Workout A
  • Prisoner Squat (15 reps)
  • Jumping Jacks (40 reps)
  • Plank (45 seconds)
  • Stability Ball Leg Curl (15 reps)
  • [Incline] Pushup (12 reps)
  • Side Plank (20 seconds)
  • Sumo Squat (15 reps)
  • [Beginner] Inverted Row (8 reps)
Interval Workout A

Do 30 minutes of fun activity.

I also want you to take time out during your day to reflect on your eating patterns. Are you eating out of hunger or habit when you snack between meals?

Well, we're 3 weeks in to 2009, are you on your way to your goals? Take some time to reflect and review your success.

Circuit Workout B (from Phase 1 of the TT 6-Month BW Manual)
  • Step-up (12 reps)
  • Siff Squat (20 reps)
  • Off-set Pushup (8 reps)
  • Split Squat with Front Foot Elevated (10 reps)
  • Plank on Ball (20 seconds)
  • Reverse Lunge (10 reps)
  • Assisted Chin-up (8 reps)
  • Stability Ball Rollout (10 reps)
  • Stick-up (12 reps)
  • Bird Dog (5 reps)
Interval Workout B

Do 30 minutes of fun activity.

Take some time to prepare your diet and workout plans for the weekend. Identify the obstacles and plan 2 solutions for each. Don't let weekends ruin your progress!

Finish the workout strong with another TT Workout.

Here's Circuit Workout C from Phase 1 of the TT 6-Month BW Manual.
  • Y-Squat (10 reps)
  • Close-grip Pushup (8 reps)
  • Cross Crawl (10 reps)
  • Stability Ball Hip Extension (12 reps)
  • Stability Ball Jackknife (10 reps)
  • Mountain Climber (10 reps)
  • Wall Squat Hold (60 seconds)
  • [Beginner] Inverted Row (12 reps)
  • Elevated Pushup (8 reps)
High-Intensity Cardio

(Yes, high intensity cardio! But not low-intensity cardio...find out more by listening to this week's call...).

And Friday will be the last day to get your Bodyweight DVD's at the special $100 off-price, so go here now:

=> Click here to get your discounted Bodyweight DVD's

Being able to do tough bodyweight exercises demands a great body. So when you do bodyweight workouts, you'll become more athletic and as your performance increases, so will your physique.

I heard from many folks on the weekend who love what the TT bodyweight workouts have done for their "core" muscles.

Also, Saturday is always our support reach out to your social support group. You might also schedule a weekend bodyweight workout with a friend.

Plan, shop, and prepare your food. Get ready for another week of fast fat burning with Turbulence Training and the right diet program for you.

Stay strong,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Want more bodyweight workouts?

Do you want hotel room workouts that you can do without any equipment?

Do you want to do the Bodyweight Cardio programs instead of standing on a treadmill?

If you want to burn fat without liftiing weights, then get all of the TT Bodyweight workouts on DVD - at a special post-TT seminar price.

But the sale ends Friday!

=> Click here to get the Bodyweight DVD's


  1. Anonymous1:37 AM

    Looks like a good worik out, but what is a Y-Squat, Cross Crawl,
    Stability Ball Hip Extension,
    Stability Ball Jackknife, Mountain Climber, Wall Squat Hold, Inverted Row, Elevated Pushup etc. Please explain each exercise or have a link describing them. I will be trying this program but will have problems as I do not knwo a lot of them. Craig

  2. Anonymous11:55 AM

    All of those exercises will come up in a google search.

    The only one there may be some confusion about is the "Elevated Pushup". With Craig's version you put one hand on the floor and the other on something elevated about 4-5 inches off the floor (a yoga block, a piece of wood, etc.) and perform a regular pushup. You can also do it on your knees if necessary.

  3. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Craig, I recently tore my pectoral tendon while bench pressing; it completely ruptured and tore away from its insertion point on my right humerus, and I had it surgically repaired by a very good ortho doc. I know it will be at least 6 months before I can consider doing a pushup but have you had any experience with this type of injury in training any of your atheletes? I truly want to regain my full strength and function, regardless of how long it takes, and I would like to know of your experience with this type of injury. Thank you kindly.

  4. Hey BKD!

    I'm sorry, I don't do much in the rehab scene. I would look up Bill Hartman and Mike Robertson for help on that!


  5. Anonymous11:33 AM

    is the cross crawl the same thing as the bird dog???

    hit me up and


  6. Almost all of the exercises are explained in Craig's youtube channel cbathletics ( So you can look 'em up there.

    And thanks very much Craig for posting the Phase1 of the bodyweight manual). I was looking for this for a long time. Looking forward to read the later phases in the coming posts. Thanks again!!
