Thursday, January 08, 2009

Secret Fat Burning Interval Training Workout (TTT)

Yesterday morning I did a KILLER interval training workout in my hotel room here in Florida.

It's based on a popular "timed interval training" system for fat loss, but I've added my own special Turbulence Training Twist (TTT). I'm going to go over how to use this interval training method in my seminar on January 17th in Toronto. If you haven't grabbed your spot for the seminar, go here:

=> Click here for the Toronto Seminar

(We're also giving out some amazing free gifts to everyone who joins us that day.)

I'll also be covering new challenge workouts, like my latest 10x10 DB Matrix Circuit. Check out this video on Youtube:

=> 10x10 Dumbbell Matrix Circuit

See you in Toronto,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - But hurry! There are only a few spots left at the Early Bird price of only $149. (And that price is in Canadian Dollars too!)

Here are more details...

Date: Saturday, January 17th

Time: 9-3

Where: Mississauga, a city just west of Toronto.

BONUSES: Don't miss the $250 worth of free gifts we are giving away to ALL seminar attendees.

It's going to be a blast, and there's going to be even MORE surprise goodies given away at the event. 

=>Click here to grab your spot

PPS - You have my Canadian Strength Guarantee that you'll love it!

If at the seminar's lunch break, you feel the seminar wasn't worth your time and energy, you can just let us know, return your free bonus gifts, and we'll return your registration.

We'll even give you an extra $50 for your time and travel costs.

That's how much we know you are going to love the 1st-ever TT Seminar!

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