Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama's Bodyweight Workout

So I read in Men's Health that Obama goes to the gym 6 times per week...he even does long cardio workouts!
But I'm not sure how he's going to pull that off now that he is President of the good ol' USA.
Methinks he's going to need to learn about bodyweight exercises and workouts that he can do in his bedroom at home. (Maybe even in the Oval Office!)
So I dipped into my Bodyweight Cardio e-book and I'm giving him this bodyweight workout as my Inauguration Day present to President Obama.
Here's the perfect way for him to do a quick workout first thing in the morning before he starts his new job.
So President Obama, I give you the...
"Crazy 8-300 Turbulence Training Bodyweight Circuit"
o Do each exercise at a 1-0-1 pace except for the holds.
o For Burpees & Running High Knees, go as fast as possible.
o Do all exercises without resting between each.
o At the end of the circuit, rest 1 minute & repeat twice more for a total of 3 "Crazy 8-300 Bodyweight Circuits".
1) Jumping Jacks - 60 reps
2) Spiderman Pushup - 10 reps per side
3) Walking Lunge - 15 reps per side
4) Spiderman Climb - 10 reps per side
5) Wall Squat Hold - 45 second hold
6) Plank Hold - 60 second hold
7) Burpees - 5 reps
8] Running High Knees - 25 reps per side
(Dang, I would love to see him try those spiderman pushups. I bet he could crank 'em out, too!)
And since he'll be traveling a lot, I've added a video of one of my hotel room workouts to this webpage for him to use on the road:
Just scroll about half-way down to see it,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
PS - In fact, I've added three FULL workout videos to the Bodyweight Cardio website...
One of them is even a "follow along" beginners bodyweight workout you can do without a single piece of equipment. Great for hotel rooms and parks.
Scroll through this site to watch the sample bodyweight programs you can do without dumbbells or barbells:

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Great bodyweight circuit! I'll give it a try tomorrow at lunch.

    (Here's a thought: Maybe you could be assigned as his International/North American Fitness Advisor...???)


