Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Diet Vs Cardio for Fat Loss

Yesterday morning a film crew from CBC (Canada's biggest TV station)came by to film some Turbulence Training at my house.

I explained my stance on cardio to the host and took her through an intense fat burning bodyweight workout. (Her arms were pretty shaky after 3 different types of pushups!).

But I don't think I changed her mind on cardio.

Heck, it's a good thing for YOU that no one listens to me.

After all, if they did, the cardio confessional machines would be empty and you'd be fighting for space in the resistance training section of your gym.

But, since everyone is chained to a treadmill (or elliptical), you have more space to do your Turbulence Training and Bodyweight Circuits.

You aren't like most people who mistakenly believe that hours of cardio are the best way to lose weight.

You know that doing short, burst interval workouts work as well or better than cardio. And you know that these workouts take half the amount of time of a long slow cardio workout.

Plus, you also know that DIET is more important than cardio for fat burning.

And that's why I'm giving away TWO bonus nutrition reports with Turbulence Training today.

1) The first is for beginners and intermediate folks.

If that's you, please start with Dr. Chris Mohr's Nutrition for Fat Loss Guidelines that will help you eat more fruits and vegetables and fewer foods from a bag or a box.

It's the perfect "baby-step" way to lose fat and gives you a LOT of healthy options for your next trip to the grocery store. Just remember to stick to the outer aisles where you will grab your whole, natural foods for fat loss.

It will help you clean your pantry of processed foods which only leave you tired and hungry for more.

2) The 2nd nutrition report is for advanced abdominal fat loss, or for beginners looking for a few advanced tips to take their fat loss to the next level.

If that's you, then you need to discover the meal plans in Isabel De Los Rios' Advanced Fat Burning Nutrition Bonus.

She tells you EXACTLY what to eat.

Get all these diet secrets here to burn more fat than any long, slow cardio workout ever could:

Isabel gives you the perfect meal plans to help you burn fat,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - I almost forgot...

You'll get a few extra fat burning meal plans in the TT member's area (another bonus you get with your 3-months free TT members pass).

Get all these diet secrets here to burn more fat than any long, slow cardio workout ever could:

"Dear Craig, All I can say is thank-you, thank-you, thank-you, THANK-YOU!! I used to be one of those "lucky" people that bought into the hype that you need to do tons of cardio to get any real results and after a year of this I was going out of my mind with boredom and to get myself to go to gym started to became a real effort.

Then one day while I was browsing the web I came across your site and after "umming and aahing" for about a week I decided to take theplunge and get it. BEST BUY EVER!

This my third week into turbulence training and already I am seeing results - my arms are more defined and I've lost an inch off my waist. Not only that I now look forward to going to gym again.

Plus people have started to notice and ask me what am I doing, and I tell them - TURBULENCE TRAINING! Thanks again and keep up the good work."

Debra Roux, South Africa

"I was initially skeptical about Turbulence Training, but immediately I was amazed at the amount of excellent material on the site. Fantasitic easy to follow workouts. Videos to make sure you're doing things right. Meal plans, blogs to help each other (its like having loads of training partners!!). I have to say my abs are feeling a lot tighter, I feel leaner. People have commented on mystomach looking flatter."
Ricky Chauhan, UK

Get started burning fat without cardio here:

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