Wednesday, January 28, 2009

20 Minute Workout

I just got into San Diego where I'm staying for the night before heading off to Mexico for a few days...
...but it ain't none of that lying around on the beach stuff. I am just not into that.
Instead, I'll be racing off-road cars across the desert and hanging out with Jesse James from West Coast Choppers, and then watching the superbowl with former MVP, Desmond Howard.
I'll tell you all about that next week, but tomorrow morning I'm going to do a quick workout in the hotel gym using bodyweight
exercises and techniques I learned while training in the gym with my friend Chris Lopez, one of Toronto's top personal trainers.
Chris puts together the classics but with twists too, like different chinup and pushup variations, along with kettlebell exercises too. He even has a funny workout program called "Big Daddy" and an a workout I was suprised to see, "The 8-Week High School Reunion Transformation Program".
You can check out his 32nd birthday sale here and get all his programs for more than half-off.
But here's the 20-minute workout I'll be doing before I head off to the desert.
It's tough, and I'm going to kick my own butt, but I don't have much time. (By the way, don't tell him I shared this workout with you!)
Alright, I'm going to start with a bodyweight warm-up (of course) and then get right into a combo of Burpees and Jump Pullups. And his workouts call for doing this for time! Yikes!
After 3 quick rounds of that, I'm going to finish with timed DB Squat and Presses. That's a total body workout that will send me
packing...a real nice send-off before I leave structured workouts for a few days.
Mind you, I'll probably do some of the bodyweight exercises you'll find in his programs while I'm gone, including spiderman pushups, bodyweight rows if I can find the right set up, single-leg exercises, and total body ab movements (but no crunches!).
I'll come back lean and mean (ok, I can't be mean, but I will be lean!),
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
PS - Chris is a just a youngster on the fitness scene...
...and he just turned 32. To celebrate, he's practically giving away his entire fat burning quickie workout system that he's
developed for busy parents. If you haven't seen Chris on TV, you're missing out on some amazing workouts.


  1. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Between your TT workouts and Chris's 20 Minute workouts, you guys have it all covered! My current favorite of Chris'is:

    20 secs of DB swings
    10 secs rest
    20 secs push-ups
    10 sec rest

    repeat 4 times

    Too many TT workouts to pick a favorite but at the top of my list is the one you did on YouTube outside the house you grew up in, IN THE SNOW, with Bally running around. Classic!

    Have a great trip,


  2. Hope you're enjoying your Hotel stay here in San Diego...I'm assuming it has to be in the Downtown area. Hope you have a blast with the off road stuff you got planned!

    BTW, I hope you aren't a Dad just yet but Chris Lopez's workouts are definitely great ones!!! =)

  3. great workout!
