Thursday, December 25, 2008

Turbulence Training Transformation Contest #4 2009

It's time to kick-off the 4th Turbulence Training Transformation Contest. You can officially start today and take your before photos. I've split the contest into Male and Female categories this time, so our best male and female success story will each win $1000!

I also have some powerful words for you...

"You become who you associate with."

Research shows if you hang around overweight folks, you too will stay overweight.

On the other hand, research shows that if you exercise with a partner who loses fat, you'll have a good chance of losing fat too! Another study showed that the more often folks checked in on a weight loss website, like the TT member's forum, the more fat they were able to lose.

This is big, big news. You truly get the same results as the people you hang around with.

So if you are trying to lose fat while everyone around you is happy with gaining winter fat and hibernating, than you have no chance.

That's why you must join the TT contest and you must visit the forum to get results. That's where the winners hang out! Every TT Contest winner has praised the forums over and over again for the social support they received.

Get started with Turbulence Training and 3 months of free social support here:

=> Click here to get started with Turbulence Training & 3 months of FREE social support

This is going to be your year to burn the belly fat,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Creator, Turbulence Training Transformation Contest

PS - Want to see the winners of the previous 3 contests?

See how guys have lost over 31 pounds in 12 weeks and women end up looking 15 years younger here:

=> Click to see the past TT Contest winners


  1. Hi Craig,

    I live in Melbourne, Australia - do you know of any personal trainers in Melbourne that use your Turbulence Training system?

    I've tried starting on my own, & seem to fall off the wagon time & time again. This year (2009) I really need to make a difference with my health & body size.

    Helena :)

  2. Anonymous9:22 AM
