Friday, December 12, 2008

TT and CB in NYC

Had a great day in NYC even though it rained all day...

Started off with an upper body workout in a NYSC gym (OH squat, hang clean, military press, chins, curls, db extensions, abs). Then lunch at Dos Caminos with a buddy.

After I walked all the way from 25th to 80th up 5th avenue, eventually making it to the Met Museum of Art. Went in there for a couple of hours and then walked all the way back on Madison. I was soaked by the time I got to my hotel.

Tonight I went to Blossom, a vegetarian restaurant, met up with Jay Ferruggia and he told me about his new gym he is opening up in Jersey. Sounds cool. He made me jealous with all the cool toys he'll have in there and the athletes he'll be training. If only I could find another 12 hours to fit in my day to open my own place...

Heading back to Toronto in the morning,


Click here to find out more about a "day in the life of CB"  

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