Monday, December 08, 2008

Motivation Tips to Stick to Your Diet & Workout Program

On the weekend, Bally the Dog and I had a great little adventure over to the Riverdale area of Toronto. We explored some trails and new city streets, and Bally made a few new friends.

But it was cold.

So when we got back, I had to warm-up with a green tea before going to try out the new "TT DB 10x10 Matrix Workout" (that's coming out in January's TT 2K9 program. My best program ever? Possibly!).

While I was sipping my tea, I stumbled across a great article (from "Psychology Today") with 5 motivational secrets to help you STICK to your weight loss program.

Here they are...

1. Pay yourself. Give a friend $1,000. Every day you eat healthfully (or exercise), you get $50 back. For every day you miss your target, your friend donates your $50 to your least favorite political party.

2. Create "if-then" plans. Making an if-then plan--if I get off work, then I'll go straight to the gym--makes behavior automatic so
there's less chance you'll slip.

3. Compete. Setting up a contest with a friend--such as agreeing that whoever loses more weight has to pay the other--can add
competitive fuel to your motivational fire. 

(I.e. That's why the TT Transformation Contest works so well! And only a few more days till the next contest ends. Voting next week!)
4. Use external monitoring. Keep a written record of how well you're doing.

(Don't forget to take progress photos...those are more meaningful than body fat measurements on inaccurate handheld scales.)

5. Make social contracts. The buddy system is powerful. Find a friend in the same boat and make an appointment to work on your
task together.


I can't emphasize enough how important #5 need to get social support in the real world and ONLINE.

So make sure you take advantage of your last chance at the $1 trial offer for the TT Member's area...

...where you will experience the power of the buddy system with hundreds of other "TT-ers" around the world who will help you stick to your diet and make every workout.

...But the $1 trial is gone at midnight, TUESDAY, Dec. 9th (EST).

Visit this link to get a 7-day pass into the member's area for only a buck:


Stick to the plan and lose fat over the holidays,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Grab your $1 seven day pass before I take down this special holiday offer TONIGHT!

Here's the link to get a whole bunch of fat burning goodies for only $1:

=> Click here for the $1 TT Trial

"The website, in particular the Discussion Forums, has been vital to my progress and motivation. I go to the website manuals and videos for knowledge and motivation and the Discussion Forums for support and advice. The power of group support is clear - people from around the world all sharing their experience, strength and hope using this wonderful program... I knew we were all in this together and it made all the difference in my results!"
Hal Empsom, lost 33 pounds in the 12-Week Transformation Contest!


  1. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Thanks for the tips.. I'd like to try out the members area.. but I'd really prefer to pay with paypal... any plans for that?

  2. Anonymous6:24 PM

    LOL! That "pay yourself" tip is clever! Parting ways with $1,000 should be enough for anyone to get in shape. Unfortunately, I've seen clients drop hundreds of dollars on trainers and it STILL wasn't enough motivation. But, it is clever with that twist you gave : )

  3. Hi Jenny, I can't take credit for that...I read that tip in the article I found on

