Saturday, December 13, 2008

Kekich Credo #40

This one was timely...helped guide me to a few tough decisions this morning. Here's Kekich Credo #40 and how you can apply it to fat loss and business...

Kekich Credo #40. No dream is too big. It takes almost the same amount of time and energy to manage tiny projects or businesses as it does to manage massive ones…and the massive ones carry with them – proportional rewards.


My thoughts on KC #40 and Fat Loss

·        Your long term goal setting should include achieving massive dreams. After all, the same steps will be taken to lose 100 pounds as will be for 5 pounds.

·        Think big!

·        Find support from others who support your big dreams and who dream big as well.

·        Don't be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It's okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things.

·        Get outside your comfort zone.


My thoughts on KC #40 and Business

·        No matter the size of your business, delegate what you can.

·        Think big. Hang around others who think big.

·        Expand your peer group.

·        Don't be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It's okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things.

·        Get outside your comfort zone.

Let me know your thoughts,


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