Friday, December 05, 2008

Just Say NO to Cardio

Over 40 years ago, Dr. Kenneth Cooper invented the term "aerobics"to describe what most people call "cardio". Now I don't blame him personally for wasting the time of millions of men and women who were suckered into believing cardio was the best way to lose weight.It's not his fault at all.

The problem was too many uneducated trainers misunderstood the point of Dr. Cooper's aerobic workouts, and well, here we are.

In the past 2 years I've discovered 3 very interesting research studies...

1) One study showed interval training was better than cardio at burning belly fat (and cut the workout time in half)

2) A second study found that 300 hours of cardio per year helped men lose only 6 pounds (and women lost only 4 pounds). So that's about 50 hours of cardio per pound of weight lost - at BEST!

3) A third study found some folks start eating MORE when they start a cardio program. These folks end up gaining weight on aerobics.

Don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying cardio makes you fat (as a few people have asked), but it might cause you to eat more, and therefore indirectly you might gain weight because of cardio.

After all, something is going on because I continue to get emails from women who are doing 5 or more hours of cardio per week and their thighs are getting BIGGER!

What a cruel, cruel joke your body must be playing on you!

So we've had 40 years of cardio's oppressing reign on the weight loss hopes and dreams of millions of men and women.

That's why I wrote my book, "Just Say NO to Cardio"


I also wanted to share with you the interval training revolution.My mentors at McMaster University, where I did my graduate studies, were among the first scientists to recommend interval training guidelines back in 1981!

I stumbled across their research paper - and still carry it around in my interval training files - as my foundation for fat burning workouts.I first used these programs in the mid-1990's while training clients on "the back 40" of the University training grounds.

I tried hundreds of combinations of interval training programs, and each one helped my clients burn belly fat in record time.

Those were my first clients who were able to, "Just Say NO to Cardio"and get faster results.

Only a couple of years later, while working in scientific lab, I would create the first complete Turbulence Training workout.For the rest of the story, grab your copy of:


In my book you'll learn everything you need to know about how to burn fat and lose inches without doing slow, boring cardio again.

Viva la interval training revolution,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - I've put together a bonus package of 4 workouts and an exclusive, never-heard-before motivational audio message from me to you for everyone that buys the book.

Visit this link to get your early Christmas Presents:


"Everyone who wants to lose weight MUST read 'Just Say NO toCardio'. You'll save yourself months and years of headache and even injury by discovering the truth about the role of cardio for weight loss. Plus, Craig will show you faster, proven fat burning workouts you can do at home and with only your own bodyweight."
Dr. Shayne Ladak, MD, BSc(Hons), CSCS, NASM-CPT


  1. fitness i think is better than cardio as i get bored doing cardio very easily and havent lost a single pound with it

  2. I have read a lots of tips and advice how helpful cardio exercise in losing weight. But it seems to be different here from this article.If we talk about losing weight I think it takes really an effort to have our goal.
