Friday, December 26, 2008

Early Bird Discount for the Turbulence Training Seminar

I want to invite you to the 1st-ever Turbulence Training seminar that is being held Saturday, January 17th near Toronto.

Nutrition expert Brad Pilon and a very special guest, "Mr. X", will be joining me to share our fat burning and motivation secrets to help you lose more fat than ever before.

I'll be covering...

1) The Secrets to Sticking to Your Workout Program

2) New Ways to Do Interval Training - With Little or NO Equipment

3) The Essentials of Designing Turbulence Training Workouts

Brad Pilon will reveal...

a) How to burn bodyfat and get in shape without falling for misleading weight loss scams or nutrition marketing hype.

b) The 3 Truths About Your Metabolism (including why Brad believes the word "metabolism" is nothing more than a marketing term!)

c) Why Green Tea Does NOT Help You Lose Weight

d) The Shocking Truth About Insulin & Burning Belly Fat

Not only are we going to share a ton of great info with you, but we're just going to have a great time. I promise you, it will be the best way you could spend a Saturday in January.

Click here to reserve your spot and free gifts

Brad and I are also doing something special to PROVE a point...but we'll reveal that when you arrive.

We're also going to have extended Q'n'A at lunchtime and at the end of the day, so bring all of your questions about fat loss. I look forward to meeting you and for you to be one of the first to ever attend a live Turbulence Training event!

Here are more details...

Date: Saturday, January 17th

Time: 9-3

Where: Mississauga, a city just west of Toronto.

BONUSES: Don't miss the $250 worth of free gifts we are giving away to ALL seminar attendees.

It's going to be a blast, and there's going to be even MORE surprise goodies given away at the event.

We can't wait to meet you and help you burn fat in 2009,

Craig Ballantyne, Brad Pilon, and Mr. X

PS - You have my Canadian Strength Guarantee that you'll love it!

If at the seminar's lunch break, you feel the seminar wasn't worth your time and energy, you can just let us know, return your free bonus gifts, and we'll return your registration.

We'll even give you an extra $50 for your time and travel costs.

That's how much we know you are going to love the 1st-ever TT Seminar!

=> Click here to reserve your spot and free gifts

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Wish I could attend, I will be in Ottawa on the 17th!
