Sunday, December 14, 2008

Abs & Caffeine on the TT 7-Day Weight Loss Call

Big things going on at TT this week.
1) First, the Toronto Star newspaper published a review of my book, "Just Say NO to Cardio".
PS - If you haven't grabbed your copy of that book and the free bonuses, go here:
2) I'm planning some TT seminars for the Toronto area in January.

Details below...
3) Okay, time for this week's 7-Day Weight Loss call...where I cover my opinions on caffeine, ab exercises, and "Off-day workouts".
Here are the main points from the call...
Today's the big day...the 3rd TT Transformation Contest Finalists will be announced.
They all have one thing in common...they used social support to succeed. None of them did this "all on their own". So take 5 minutes and find ONE source of support today (at work, online, or at home).
Bodyweight exercises are great for off-days, but you need to pick the right exercises.
Choose easy bodyweight exercises and work on your mobility. I call this type of workout, "upbeat yoga". More movement, but same goals. (I also cover the truth about eating after 7pm on the call.)
I shared my latest upper body workout that I use in my latest strength and muscle building program.
1A) Overhead Squat
1B) Hang Clean
2A) Military Press
2B) Chin-ups
3A) DB Triceps Extension
3B) BB Curl
That's a FUN workout.
I want to clear up a misconception...many folks think I've said that coffee is bad for you. But I haven't! Coffee and caffeine are fine in moderation. (I just don't drink coffee, personally). I also explain why caffeine withdrawal gives you headaches.
When you do ab exercises, brace your abs as if someone was punching you in the stomach. I explain the technique on the call.
Plan for all the obstacles you think you're going to come across this week. Plan 2 solutions for each obstacle and you'll have a better chance to stick to your plan.
If you are looking for a cookbook, try Dr. John Berardi's, "Gourmet Nutrition".
That's it! So don't miss the call.

I'll send you another free 7-Day Weight Loss call next Sunday,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - I want to have a Turbulence Training Seminar in January in Toronto...
...would you be interested in attending?
The seminar would cover the Turbulence Training program design, exercise demonstrations, and interval training options.
If you're interested in attending, please email back and let me know.
Would you be able to make January 3rd?
What about January 17th?
Thanks! Just post your comment below...

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