Saturday, December 27, 2008

4 Turbulence Training Workout Reviews for You

In this week's free Turbulence Training audio call, you'll discover...
- how to do fat burning workouts in a busy gym
- my #1 Turbulence Training tip for a beginners
- a sneak way to snack better for weight loss
- the fat loss SECRET
- how to do Turbulence Training in a busy gym
- 2 of the 7 hottest trends in fat loss for 2009
- my fat burning New Year's wish for you!
The call also includes 4 free workout summaries as well...

Or read the tips below...


Let's take a closer look at Turbulence Training Intermediate Workout A.

1A) DB Split Squat (8 reps)

1B) DB Incline Press (8 reps)

2A) Stability Ball Leg Curl (15)

2B) Pushup [Kneeling] (15 reps)

3A) Stability Ball Jackknife (10)

3B) DB Rear-Delt Raise (10 reps)

Beginner Interval Workout A

You can do this workout in a busy gym. In superset #1, you can use the same dumbbell weight for both exercises. In superset #2, add reps to make it harder. In superset #3, use Inverted Rows to make it harder.


On your off day, you need to do 30 minutes of activity for your health. Try to walk rather than drive, weather permitting. Do some errands by foot, rather than driving everywhere. Get in the habit of doing that all the time.

Also, spend some time cleaning the junk out of your cupboards in preparation for the Turbulence Training Transformation Contest. And put fruits and vegetables on the middle shelf of your fridge. Men's Health magazine says that will help you snack better.

Wednesday – New Year's Eve

Let's take a look at Intermediate TT workout B. You can also do this in a busy gym.

1A) DB Squat (8 reps)

1B) Stability Ball Rollout (8 reps)

2A) DB Reverse Lunge (8 reps)

2B) Side Plank (20 seconds)

3A) DB Row (8 reps)

3B) 1-Leg Hip Extension (10)

Beginner Interval Workout B

And now here's a look at my current workout. I'm doing a 3-day program and this is Workout A. I just did it on Saturday. I'm doing some extra rotator cuff exercises to help me avoid shoulder injury.

Rtr Cuff Warmup

Bench (1x5)

Face Pull (3x10)

DB Flat Press (4x8)

BB Row (4x10)

DB Incline (2x12)

Rtr Cuff Strength (3x10)

EZ Bar Triceps (4x10)

And it's New Year's Eve, so please drink responsibly! Happy New Year's!

Thursday – New Year's Day

Get up and get moving! Do 30 minutes of activity, but avoid the cardio confessional. After your exercise, set goals with for the year. I wish this is the best year of your life!


Time for one more TT workout. If you don't want to do cardio machine intervals, you could use Kettlebells, the skipping rope, or you could play sports. I'll be going over lots of alternative interval training workouts at the TT Seminar.

Click HERE to reserve your spot at the TT Seminar


Two of the 7 hottest trends in fat loss for 2009 will be Challenge Workouts and Social Support. You need them both!

In the February 2009 issue of Men's Health, I have a new challenge's called the Bodyweight 200. Give it a goes like this:

Prisoner Squat - 30

Pushups - 30

Jumps - 10

Stability Ball Leg Curls - 10

Stability Ball Pikes - 10 (more advanced version of jackknife)

Stepups - 20 (total)

Pullups or chinups - 5

Lunges - 30 (total)

Close-grip Pushups - 20

Inverted Rows - 15

Prisoner Squats - 15

Chinups - 5


Plan, shop, and prepare. And don't miss this week's book recommendation in the TT Audio call. Listen here for even more fat loss secrets:

In next week's New Year's edition!

· More transformation tips

· Dissect original TT

· Vegetarian tips from my friend, John Alvino

· New challenge workout

Stay strong,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - The next Turbulence Training Transformation Contest has started...

And I've created separate categories for men and women so both sexes have an equal chance of winning the top $1000 prizes.


  1. Anonymous3:32 AM

    thanks for this i am pumped and ready to get into it. And thanks for your continued interest in our fitness. i have made exercise a part of my life for 30 years and i love the renewed interest your programs has given me in my fitness routine. Happy new year to you too Craig

    Chris D

  2. Anonymous9:02 AM

    I already purchased turbulence training and would like to enter the contest this time. I've already taken my pictures and measurements. Where do I sign up? Thanks

  3. Hi Ebony!

    There is no "signup". All the rules are here that tell you what to do:

  4. Anonymous11:26 AM

    I love to change up my fitness routine! Thanks for the suggestions.

  5. Anonymous11:35 PM

    A little off topic, Guys... I have a question. Yesterday I trapped on this site:
    [url=] - Xbox tournaments for money[/url]
    They say you can play online EA sports game tournaments on any console for cash... had anyone tried that before? Looks like a cool idea...
    Are there any other sites where you can play sports games for real moneys? I Googled and found only and but it looks these guys don't specialize in sport gamez. Any suggestions?


  6. While the mainstream fitness media still insists that aerobic
    exercise is a great way to lose weight, Turbulence Training users
    know that interval training is the better way to burn body fat.

    Still not convinced?

    A recent study published by the North American Association for the
    Study of Obesity, subjects aged 40 to 75 were instructed to do 60
    minutes of aerobic exercise per day for 6 days per week for an
    entire year.

    Given the amount of exercise, you'd expect weight losses of 20, 30
    pounds, or more, right?

    Well, the surprise findings showed the average fat loss for female
    subjects was only 4 pounds for the entire year, while men lost 6.6
    pounds of fat over the year. That's over 300 hours of aerobic
    exercise just to lose a measly 6 pounds of blubber. Not time well
    spent, in my opinion.

    So what's the better way? Stick with Turbulence Training, using
    interval training and strength training to get better bodysculpting
    results. With intervals, you'll achieve more fat burning results in
    less workout time.

    The next time you are out exercising, perform a session of interval
    training. If you are walking or running outside, find an incline
    that can challenge you for 60 seconds, then walk down for 60-120
    seconds, and repeat up to 6 times.

    If you walk or run on a treadmill, adjust the incline or speed to
    safely increase the challenge for 60 seconds, then return to the
    normal pace for 60-120 seconds, and repeat up to 6 times.

    You can also use a rowing machine, bicycle or stationary bike, or
    even an elliptical machine to do intervals.

    But whatever you do, stay away from boring, ineffective cardio
    exercise workouts and stick with Turbulence Training for your fat
    burning program.

    ===> Fast fat loss workouts... <=====

    Save time, burn fat,

    Craig Ballantyne, CTT
    Certified Turbulence Trainer
    Author, Turbulence Training

    "I'm 25 and was seriously overweight at the start of this year. I've
    been doing the TT for Fat Loss Workouts and after 5 months of
    training. I've lost nearly 28lbs. I want to take this opportunity
    to thank Craig for making your knowledge so accessible and your
    articles and blogs that not only make us think about our
    lifestyles, but encourage us to change them for better health."
    Kevin Thow, Sydney, Australia

    Get your very own copy of Turbulence Training & the Nutrition Guide here: ===> Cardio is a Waste of Time for Fat Loss <=====

    "Turbulence Training makes so much sense and I really enjoy the
    different workouts so never get bored. From an aussie that was
    looking for something other than just another weight workout
    with the same old moves this has been a real eye opener for me and
    I have been telling my friends just how great the TT method is."
    Kelli Tomkins, Australia

  7. Confessions of a Keto Dieter

    My buddy Matt Gallant is a BEAST.

    While it’s damn impressive that he’s been doing Keto for 26-years...

    ... I’m even more impressed by what he’s doing NOW:

    He runs multiple multi-million-dollar companies, working insane hours...
    Still finds the time to hit it hard in the gym and stay in peak shape...
    Has an amazingly deep, intimate relationship with his wife, family, and friends...
    And does more personal development, brain training, and spiritual work than just about anyone I know.

    ==> So when Matt tells me that he recently discovered a 7-second solution for fixing the 3 sources of failure on Keto and low-carb diets, I listen.

    You should too.

    [Wade Lightheart]

    P.S—Matt’s also a world-class researcher, and leveraged over 130 studies to validate solution he reveals on this page.
