Thursday, November 13, 2008

Turbulence Training Plus Precision Nutrition Results!

Time for the October Turbulence Training Success Stories of the Month.

1) Here's what happens when you combine Turbulence Training plus Precision Nutrition...

"Hi there Craig I just wanted to tell you the good news so far! Since using your Turbulence Training programs and combined with a Precision Nutrition eating plan in just 45 days Ive lost 5 percent bodyfat and am well onto my way in achieving that elusive 8%. I have to say I was very sceptical of you in the beginning but since downloading your book I am very pleased with your programs and the monthly programs kick ass!"

Craig Kilham

2) Turbulence Training vs. Fat Loss Plateau

"Turbulence Training shattered the longstanding plateau I was up against. I lost 4lbs and 4.5 inches in the first two weeks!"
Christy Harris

3) Dropped 16 pounds on his way to abs... 

"I've subscribed to Craig's emails for a couple of years, picking up tips and tricks and trying different things out, but it took a button-popping experience to realize that what I was doing wasn't working. I picked up a copy of TT for Fast Loss, joined the third transformation challenge, and got to work. In the three weeks I've been following the plan, I've dropped 16 pounds and am on my way to finding my abs. My muscles are toning up, I have more energy, and I feel great. I've cut the time my workouts take from 90+ minutes every day to less than an hour three times each week. I have more time for work, more time for my family, and more time to enjoy life. Thanks, Craig, for the great program!"
Jim M, Utah

And the WINNERS of the TT Success Story of the Month come from South Africa and Malaysia! Our winners receive a free 1-Year Platinum Turbulence Training Membership!

Our first winner, from South Africa...

"Hi Craig, I fully agree that your system is changing lives. I have purchased your Turbulence Training package. However, I cannot afford your monthly membership as I buy through South African rands which is about R8 to $1.

But back to my life being changed by your system. Keep in mind that 6 weeks ago I weighed in at 315lbs with a 52inch waist. In the last 6 six weeks, I have dropped only 18lbs weight, but have gained 12lbs of muscle as well as lost 5inches off my waist. I have a desk job which used to keep me inactive for 9 to 12 hours per day. Having to contend with stage 2 diabetes and hypertension wasn't enough of a motivation for me. That was until 12 weeks ago I was diagnosed with sleep apnea which causes me to stop breathing while asleep. (life threatening)

Then I searched the internet and came across your site as well as Vince del Monte, Isabel de los Rio and Mike Geary. At that time I could not do any sit ups, crunches and barely managed to make 15 minutes in the gym. Now my energy, strength and sense of well being have changed. I no longer feel weak, sluggish and without enthusiasm, but I now wake up at 4am to get up and start your exercise program 3 or 4 days a week. I can now exercise for an hour or more, which includes ab workouts, lunges, squats and upper body weight and circuit work.

So yes, you are changing lives, including mine. Your regular emails with it's workouts and motivation is fantastic. Please keep up the good work."
Enver Halim, South Africa

Our second winner, from Malaysia...

"Hi Craig, It's interesting to have read these success stories that they benefited from your program.

I've the same story that I think I should be sharing with you as well.. that it does change my life!

When I started my journey (Feb 2007) to lose the excess weight (133.7kg, with a 54" waist), I'm glad that I've stumbled upon TT. Today Oct 2008, I'm at 72kg, with a 32" waist. I've to say that TT has been my defacto standard in my secret of losing the excess fat. I'm now working towards a 6-packs!!

My transformation has caught too many attention from the people around me, and I've to repeat my story to them time and time again. In  my circles, the term Interval Training and Bodyweight training is not something that people are used to, hence these days, I'm like being their references/guru with regards to this training.. Infact in my local gym, the gym-goers are turning their heads to my warm-up routines like spiderman pushup, mountain climber, lunges, also focusing on compound muscles workout as opposed to single
muscles group....  thanks to you!

Due to too many request from my friends/family/even from friends of friends.. I've decided to put up a blog on my transformation. You'll surprise to see I've mentioned your name many times in it!!!! If you've time, please do visit my blog at

Some of the specific pages that I've mentioned about you..

Thanks Craig, you are changing my life!"
Sher Khan, Malaysia 

More to come!

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

Click here to get started with Turbulence Training

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