Sunday, November 30, 2008

Today is the Day to Get Started!

Today is the day to get started! Why wait till January 1st to change your habits?

We've got a perfect, Monday, December 1st to get a full month's head-start on your fat burning goals.

If you are a beginner and don't know where to start, simply make one small baby-step change to your nutrition. Add one serving of fruit and one serving of vegetables, and cut back on the sugar, bread, and junk food in your diet.

Then try to get a little bit more exercise today than yesterday. If that means 5 minutes, then that is good! That's fine. It is better than what you did yesterday.

If you are more advanced but have started to slack off because of the holidays, turn that mindset around and use the holidays as a reason to "tighten things up".

Plan out your holiday treat meals in advance, and focus on sticking to your fat burning meal plan at all other times.

Do your job and earn your rewards. You'll feel much more satisfied this way than throwing all caution to the wind for the next 4 weeks.

So everyone, everywhere, let's all proclaim December 1st to be the REAL New Year's Day, and make all of our healthy habit changes NOW, not later.

(But don't worry, no one has to stay up till midnight tonight.)

If you read this on Sunday, spend some time planning, shopping and prepping your meals for this week, and make sure you plan out 2 solutions to EVERY obstacle that might get in your way.

Let's get pumped up to lose weight over the holidays. Let's do the impossible and show the world that not everyone has to gain five or ten pounds every December.

Get a head start on your 2009 fat burning plans today.

Start creating one new healthy habit every day in December.

There is NO reason to wait,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Want to lose 17 pounds in 4 weeks?

"In 4 weeks I have lost 17 pounds and reduced my waist measurement 4 ½ inches, increased my energy levels throughout the day, got back into clothes I haven't worn in months, and reduced my cholesterol to normal levels again. The most satisfying result is the comments I'm receiving from friends and family members on my transformation."
Hal Empsom, using Turbulence Training

"In the result of the last 12 weeks on Turbulence Training I have:
- Lost 21.8 lbs, not by starving but eating an average 1600+ calories per day
- Lost 4.25" from my waist, 3.5" from my hips and 2" from my thighs
- Dropped 7.7% bodyfat down to 16.9%
- Revealed abs, never seen before. Thanks!"
Serena Tremlett

=> Click here to get started with Turbulence Training

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