Thursday, November 20, 2008

It's So Simple

Here's some quick feedback from a TT Member about the simple changes he's made in the last 18 months and the rewards he's reaping...

"Once i started logging what i ate AND really focused on cutting out sugar and processed food.....almost no bread....hit the veggies and fruits.....simple changes like cutting ketchup on eggs....not using the weekends to lose adjustment here and there and i can't begin to tell you over the last two months i feel like i've taken myself to a new level....I'm not a pro athlete....just a 45 year old guy.....but today i went for a easy three mile run (Im doing a charity 5k in a couple weeks)...wanted to log a few miles and its very cold here as it is for you cb....and even in the last mile i was thinking how DIFFERENT my body feels.....even just running then it did two years ago......

And not for nothing...I'm sleeping like a log.........thanks for all your advice over these 18 months and giving me excellent direction when i was floundering for something new with strength training.....and i don't post as much as i should....but i'm at my lowest weight in 10 years....and buying pants with waist sizes less then in high school....."

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