Thursday, November 27, 2008

Dog vs. Cat or Dog vs. Medicine Ball

Well, since it's not Thanksgiving today here in Canada, it's a regular work day for ol' Bally and me. That means we were up and at it by about 6.

The only problem is my neighborhood is filled with stupid cats. And when Bally the Dog sees a cat, look out! Poor lil' fella wants to chase them but I make him sit and be a good boy.

I want so bad to let go of the leash and let him chase one. But I just know that would be trouble...and no one needs trouble at 6 in the morning. There were a couple of times this morning when he wanted to give chase...

But it's much safer for him to chase the medicine ball around the house, like I had him do this morning during the workout I did at home after the walk.

I started with one of my favorite medicine ball exercises, Woodchoppers, and then rolled the ball across the room for him to
chase while I did close-grip pushups.

The ball is too big for him to get in his mouth, but he tries. And then I grabbed it and did the "Power Golf Squat Chops". Sometimes he jumps on me, but then he usually tires of that quickly.

It gets a little awkward though when I try to do my Medicine Ball Plank Rollouts for my abs, because he keeps on licking my face while I hold the plank position. He gets really anxious when I'm lying down or whenever I hold an exercise like the plank.
It's a little distracting, but he gets a little excited when I'm not paying attention to him.

Overall, I did 30 minutes of medicine ball exercises alternating with pushups and other bodyweight exercises and stretches. No weights today, but will do a squat workout tomorrow.

The medicine ball workouts sure are great when you don't have time to go to the gym. And due to popular TT Member demand, I put together the December TT Workout based entirely on medicine ball exercises.

These workouts are perfect for the busy holiday season - which "unofficially" kicks off today with American Thanksgiving (that's
what we call it here in Canadia).

You can do all three workouts in 10-25 minutes at home, in your bedroom, or even in your office. All you need is a simple medicine ball, although a soccer ball or stability ball will work for most of the exercises as well.

NOTE: You can also use a turkey, frozen or thawed, stuffed or not, for most of the medicine ball exercises.

Just don't do use the turkey for the "Slams" exercise. But you could use a turkey for Woodchoppers, Squat Presses & McGill Crunches.

In Workout A, you'll do 4 supersets of medicine ball exercises followed "interval training" with this cool exercise called Power

In Workout B, you'll do more advanced strength training exercises with the medicine ball, and finish off with med ball burpees as your interval training.

Finally, Workout C is a 10 exercise med ball circuit where you'll go back to back to back with med ball exercises and no rest. You can do that circuit up to three times.

With over 25 different and unique medicine ball exercises to help you burn fat during busy times without going to the gym or using fancy, bulky equipment, you'll do fun supersets and challenging circuits, with every single exercise working multiple muscle groups - including your abs.

So if you have family coming over, or a work Christmas function all night, you can still do a workout at home with just the ball. It's fast, fun, and effective.

No ball? Put it on your Christmas list!

If you want a crack at these TT Med Ball workouts, you'll get free access to the program in the TT Member's area when you grab your copy of Turbulence Training.

=> Click here to get started with Turbulence Training

Once you get access to the member's area, go to the TT Workout of the Month area to download the Med Ball program.

You'll also get access to the TT Bodyweight Cardio and TT Meathead 2.0 programs for a few more days until December 1st hits...

Happy American Thanksgiving to everyone,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - This program is perfect for when you want a break from the ordinary workouts, or when you are sick of cardio machines, or during the holidays when you only have time for 10 minutes of medicine ball exercises in your bedroom.

Not sure if these are for you?

Take the Turbulence Training $4.95 trial option for 21 days. If you don't like it, just let us know and you won't be billed the
remaining $35. But I promise you, you'll love losing fat fast with TT! 

=> Click here for the TT Trial Offer

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