Monday, November 03, 2008

Canadian Beats Obama in Popular Vote

I just moved past Obama's "Audacity of Hope" and Bill O'Reilly's "A Bold Fresh Piece Of Humanity" (what kind of title is that?) onAmazon's top sellers book list.

Check out how the lil' ol Canadian Fat Loss Expert is beating liberals and conservatives on the day before the big US Election:


But there's still one book I can't beat...and that's the Rodale Book, "Eat This, Not That". It's standing in the way of me getting to #1 on the Exercise & Fitness Chart.

(How the heck is a nutrition book on the exercise and fitness chart, I don't know!)

Anyways...if you haven't had a chance to grab your copy of Just Say NO to Cardio, I'd love it if you could do that right now and help me grab top spot!

With your help, I might even beat, "Dewey: The Small Town Library Cat Who Touched the World". Dirty Dewey is in spot #22, and I'm only 9 spots behind him on the best-sellers list.

Thanks in advance for your help!

In case you missed it, here's more about my new book, "Just Say NO to Cardio!"

It's finally here!

My first book, "Just Say NO To Cardio" is now available on

In my book you'll learn everything you need to know about how to burn fat and lose inches without doing slow, boring cardio again.

Plus, I've put together a bonus package of 4 workouts and an exclusive, never-heard-before motivational audio message from me to you for everyone that buys the book this morning.

Visit this link for details:


By the way...the book is only $9.95 on Amazon.

So if I could ask you for just one favor this year...

I'm trying to reach the "top of the charts" and hit #1 on Amazon's Exercise Book Chart this if you could take a second to grab your copy of "Just Say NO to Cardio", I'd really appreciate it.

And then you can grab your four free workouts and motivational message from me as well (worth $149.95). The free workouts include:

- 2008's most popular TT workout, The Big 5 Circuit Program
- The TT Female Bodysculpting Routine
- TT Bodyweight Cardio V. 1.0
- TT Bodyweight Cardio V. 2.0

(And of course, you also get that 30-minute free motivational audio I recorded only for, "Just Say NO to Cardio" readers.)

PLUS, there's ONE more free gift inside the book worth $29.95. I reveal the details in the audio message as well.

Click this link to help me out on Amazon:


Thanks for helping me reach the top of the charts for workouts books.

"Just Say NO to Cardio" makes a perfect Christmas gift as well,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Anyone that orders 5 or more copies of my new book will get a free autographed copy from me.

So if you pick up 5 copies for friends, family, and fitness buddy stocking stuffers, just reply to this email with your receipt and mailing address, and a personlized autographed book is on the way to you!

Get all the details on the hottest fat burning book to help you burn fat and lose inches without ever doing cardio again here:


"Everyone who wants to lose weight MUST read 'Just Say NO to Cardio'. You'll save yourself months and years of headache and even injury by discovering the truth about the role of cardio for weight loss. Plus, Craig will show you faster, proven fat burning workouts you can do at home and with only your own bodyweight."
Dr. Shayne Ladak, MD, BSc(Hons), CSCS, NASM-CPT

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