Monday, November 17, 2008

#1 Reason to Avoid the Gym

On Sunday morning I was working out at the YMCA in my hometown of Stratford and I was having a great workout...

...but have you ever run into one of those guys at the gym who has forgotten to wear deodorant...for weeks?

There was this one guy there on an elliptical machine and he stunk to high heaven...what's even weirder is he looked like a normal guy and he even made the effort to style his hair. But for some reason he couldn't be bothered to wear deodorant.

What a strange world we live in...

Stinky folks are the #1 reason to avoid the gym. Or is it the bad music? Or high prices? Or dirty benches?

...anyways, just more reasons to workout at home. And that is what I did on Saturday, using a medicine ball and trying a workout from the latest Men's Health magazine.

I'm actually going to film that workout tonight and put it on Youtube tomorrow, along with my own TT-version of the med ball circuit (it's an abs program, and I'll be doing a "no-crunch" version).

Plus, I got so excited using my medicine ball on the weekend that I went back through my files (all the way back to 2002!) to find my best medicine ball workouts, and I created a 4-week medicine ball program as the December TT workout of the month.

This is perfect for such a busy time of year (and an excuse to ask for a medicine ball for Christmas). Look for that workout on Dec. 1.

In the meantime, head over to the forum and join in this week's TT Members Medicine Ball Challenge here:

=> TT Medicine Ball Challenge from Men's Health magazine

But be careful! That workout is murder on your abs.

And while you are over at the member's site, don't miss the two NEW audio interviews I added, featuring:

1) High-energy Strength Coach Zach Even-Esh sharing some of his best bodyweight fat burning tips here:

=> Click here for Zach's interview


2) Brad Pilon and I discussing how to make the Eat Stop Eat program even better...

=> Click here for Brad's interview

Helping you burn fat over the holidays,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - If you are sick of the gym...

I've created the Ultimate Fat Burning Bodyweight Solution for you...

Click here for the Bodyweight DVD's


  1. Anonymous10:25 AM

    #1 Reason to Avoid the Gym...The Smelly Guy! That may be the one true valid reason to stay at home.

    A few months ago I was hitting HIIT's on the treadmill and there was a guy next to me sweating profusely (all over the TM). He stopped running, got off the machine and started on the elliptical. I gave him a "Dude! You're not gonna clean that?", loud enough for anyone w/in 30 feet to hear me. Needless to say, he was so embarrassed that he left (after cleaning the treadmill).

    ps. I did the Tarheel 200x2 this morning...almost as good as your Advanced version the 6 Minute Abs.

    later, smoketheblowfish

  2. He deserved that! And I bet people thanked you. That Tarheel workout is intense!

  3. Anonymous11:45 PM

    For me it's high prices, stinky people, dirty benches and/or machines, and bad music (although if you bring an iPod you can have your own music ;) )
