Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Workout That Saved the Day

I was off to a rough start today...awoke from a weird dream and then had a slew of technological troubles - including having the TT Member's forum "disappear" - so it started off as one of those days.

Fortunately, as it often happens, my workout saved the day. It never fails to boost my mood, relieve some stress, and help me think positive. Plus, all that adrenaline and blood flow always gives me great ideas...and I solved three big problems during my workout that have been bugging me for days. It truly saved the day.

I hope your workouts put you in a good mood as well.

Here's my workout, Workout D from TT Meatheads 2.0

1A) RDL - 265x3x6
1B) OH Squat - 115x3x5

2A) BB Lunge - 115x2x8
2B) Plank+Side Plank combo - 90s plank + 45s side plank 

3) Snatch-Grip Deadlift - 3x12 with 175

4A) Standing Calf Raise - 2x12
4B) BB Reverse Curl - 2x10 with 75pounds

I needed that.

Also filmed a short workout clip for you last it here:

=> Fat Burning Workouts

Big news coming soon,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Click here to burn fat at home

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