Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Upper body workout

Workout A of Turbulence Training 2K4, modified for me.

1) Bench - did 265x1

2A) Incline Bench - 175x3x6
2B) DB Rear Delt Raise - 3x10 with 15's

3A) DB Floor Press - 80x3x8
3B) DB Row - 105x6, 110x2x6

4A) BB Curl 95x3x8
4B) DB Triceps Ext - 40x8, 45x2x6

That was pretty good. Better than the first time I did it,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Turbulence Training 2K4


  1. Craig, I have been reading and following your bodyweight exercises in Mens Health. One year ago I started my weight loss effort and have lost 5 pounds to date with a variation of programs. I am looking for something 45 minutes to an hour to get bigger muscle gains. Ive tried bodyweight, tried Mens Health Abs workouts and althought I continue to lose weight, size gains are limited. Any suggestions? anthing from TT or maybe Jason Ferruggia? Thanks!

  2. Hi!

    Great to hear about your results. I promise you that both Jason's programs and my programs will help you gain muscle and lose fat.
