Sunday, October 05, 2008

Sunday Squat Workout

Out late last night at a friend's housewarming party, but I had a surprisingly strong squat workout today. The medium grip overhead squat and power cleans served as a great warm-up to the squats. The overhead squat movement serves as a great warm-up for any type of workout, and like the Stick-up, it looks easy but is difficult, especially for those with limited shoulder mobility from bad posture and work environments. Start with a broomstick till you get good form.

1A) Power Clean - 175x3
1B) OH Squat with medium grip - 55x3x5

2A) Narrow Stance Squat - 305x8, 310x2x8
2B) Chinups - 16,11

3A) Good Morning - 175x2x8
3B) Olympic Squat - 135x15

Chinups improved as well.

I'm off to Orlando, Florida for a couple of days, so I'll resume TT 2K4 on Wednesday.

I'll do some easy KB's and stretching before my flight tomorrow,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

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