Monday, October 06, 2008

September Turbulence Training Success Story Winners!

Congratulations to Anna Dornier and Andrew Allison, who have each won a 1-Year Platinum TT Membership by submitting September's best Turbulence Training Success Stories. Check out these powerful life-changing stories of fat loss...

Anna is back to her High School weight!

"Hi Craig, I just want to say that TT is making a big difference in my life. I've been getting newsletters from you for quite some time now but couldn't bring myself to buy a copy.  Finally, I found out about the third transformation and I decided that this is the time for me to make some serious changes to my body.

I have been going to the gym for several years now but haven't found a way to achieve the body that I want.  After 4 weeks in TT, I lost 7 lbs and 1.25
inch off my waist.  I can't remember the last time I was under 125 lbs (probably in high school).  Currently, my weight is at 123 lbs!  I know I will reach my goals with these kind of results.

I have to tell you that the TT forum is also a great idea.  I find a lot of support and help there through other TT members who can relate to my situation. When I see other people who are doing better than I am, nutrition and trainig wise, I tend to emulate them and do better in my own goals too.

Another thing that made me love TT is that it made me look forward to my gym sessions.  Instead of spending my usualy 1.5 hours there, I can now finish
my workouts in under an hour while having fun.  Just this weekend, I got sick and I was so bummed out that I couldn't go to the gym.  Before TT, I use my sickness as an excuse not to go to the gym but not anymore.

I feel empowered to do well in other areas of my life too. So, thank you for creating such a great program and an environment for like-minded people. You are truly making a difference in our lives."
Anna Dornier

Busy father of 3 loses his manboobs in only 6 weeks

"Hi Craig, Id been heavy into sports from a young age and up until i was 22 i did Thai boxing played 5-Aside Football(Soccer) and Rugby due to family commitments this was cut to just Rugby on a weekend which after a Broken ankle was dropped to just coaching the Juniors and when my son packed in Rugby my fitness was nil.

I joined a gym Close to work (a 2hr commute from home) so i could pop down on a Dinner time.  Having 3 boys at home i thought i had no time before or after work for training(You proved me wrong there) I Spent over a year throwing weights about and doing the odd bit of cardio, getting no where fast, I was still 100Kg and a 38" waste at 5" 7 with Moobs(Manboobs) big enough for a B cup.  This was frustrating and i had almost committed to living the rest of my life this way and canceling my Gym membership until another email list I'm on for Rugby fitness sent me a sample work out from one of your programs i followed this for a week or two and saw the best results I'd ever seen since i was 16.  

Following this i got your 3month Turbulence training program and I'm nearing the end of the Intermediate program.  I'm down to a 36" waist and 93K but the best thing is I'm also lifting heavier running faster and further my Intervals are something i now look forward where once over i feared the cardio section of
the gym.

I followed your nutrition guidelines and completely changed my diet and eating habits now i have more energy to play with my 3 boys who are loving there new fit strong dad and the best of this is these result have been achieved in 6 weeks... Well beyond anything I've achieved on the gyms plan i was given over a year ago.  I look forward to your emails with help and advice they keep me inspired and i now feel I'm on a plan i could stick with for life.

If i don't feel inspired before a work out i view some of your videos on youtube or in the TTmembers section and it gets me pumped.  I've also now got a thirst for more Knowledge with regards to both Fitness and nutrition. I can't say thank you enough, you have truly turned my life around and there's no price that can be put on that. Thank you so much Craig (From me and my family)."
Andrew Allison

Turbulence Training can help you change your life,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Click here to get started with Turbulence Training   

PS - Send in your TT Success Story and you might win a 1-Year Platinum TT Membership.

Click here to submit your TT Success Story

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