Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Lose 10 Pounds by Thanksgiving

I've heard from a lot folks frightened of what the holidays are going to do to their waistline.

So if you want to lose 10 pounds before Thanksgiving, or even 20 pounds by Christmas, you're going to love these tips from nutrition expert Mike Roussell, who gives us...

- 4 fat burning secrets
- the truth about calorie counting
- 28-day meal plans for folks who want to weigh anywhere between 135 and 215 pounds
- his #1 piece of advice for women
- and one of his best breakfast recipes

CB: Mike, what advice do you have for someone who has hit a fat loss plateau? I heard you have 4 secrets for fat burning to help people lose a LOT of weight before Thanksgiving, or "American Thanksgiving" as we call it here in Canada. What are your secrets to success?


A fat loss plateau is commonly seen when people under eat and reduce their calories too quickly.  

And to make it worse, when people come to a fat loss plateau they almost always reduce their calories right away. This is the wrong approach because ultimately it will cause you metabolism to slow down, which is the opposite of what we are trying to do.  

This is what I recommend in the following order:

1. Increase activity
2. See if you can increase activity some more
3. Replace all starches with vegetables (not counting workout nutrition)
4. Reduce calories

CB: So folks can lose 10 pounds before Thanksgiving with those tips? And how do your protein and calorie recommendations change for obese individuals?


Yes, they can, and as for your 2nd question, I don't really worry about protein and calories with obese individuals.  

In fact, if people pay attention to making the right food selections then 90% of the time they won't ever need to count calories.

By making a couple simple changes to a person's diet habits (without making any calorie changes) I can have them noticeably dropping fat IMMEDIATELY. Simple is always better but nutrition is such a big business everyone has a gimmick and no one talks about the simple effective solutions. I'll show you a better way at 28DaysLeaner.com.

CB: Great stuff, I like simple. How do your recommendations differ for men and women?


One thing about women and nutrition is that women are notorious undereaters. I don't mean to keep harping on the food selection thing but it is so important.  

If people and learn to make the right food choices then they will...

1. Lose weight
2. Eat more than they ever have.

That's the perfect situation isn't it? Lose weight and eat more.  

Eating larger quantities of clean foods isn't bad. I find that many women have a certain guilt factor when it comes to eating more than they should. But in reality if they are following a great workout program (like TT) then they need to provide themselves with enough energy and fuel their metabolism. So ladies, eat more!  

CB: I'm sure they'll love hearing that. Now let's get your favorite breakfast recipe that you told me about. Some kind of omelet, right?


Yep, Mike's famous, "Asparagus and Feta Cheese Omelet".

6 egg whites
2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
1 Al Fresca chicken sausage
4 stalks of asparagus (chopped)
1/3 onion (chopped)
1 medium tomato (chopped)
¼ Cup crumbled feta cheese

Time: 5 minutes
Servings: 1
Calories     395
Fat     19
Sat     8
Poly     1
Mono     5
Carbs     16
Fiber     3
Protein     41

Spray down the pan with non-stick cooking spray. Turn heat on medium-high. Add asparagus and onions, sauté for 3 minutes. Beat together olive oil and egg whites until the whites start to bubble. Add sausage and tomatoes to the pan and sauté for another minute. Empty contents of the pan into a plate. Re-apply non-stick spray and add egg white olive oil mixture. Cook until eggs take omelet form, flip, add vegetables-sausage mixture, feta cheese, and fold eggs over onto fillings. Turn off heat and let omelet sit for a minute to let the cheese melt.

That's it!

CB: Thanks Mike. So you promise you can help folks lose a lot of weight before Thanksgiving. I mean, more than 10 pounds?


Yep, I have the perfect 28-Day Weight Loss System, including 28 days of meal plans here:

=> 28DaysLeaner.com

CB: Thanks Mike, I read your book on Sunday afternoon, but I don't even want to think about how much time it took you to create meal plans for every weight range from 135-140 all the way up to 210-215. Must have made for some long nights, but I know my readers will love it, and I thank you for that.

I recommend you grab your copy of Mike's meal plans and do what most people think is impossible - LOSE weight over the holidays!


Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - It doesn't matter what you weigh...

...Mike has a meal plan for you. If you're a heavy guy that wants to weigh under 215, Mike has a "real man's meal plan" for you. As you can see from the omelet recipe, Mike's diet plan won't cause you to lose muscle, just fat.

And for woman, Mike said it best when he'll show you how to eat more for fat loss.

Grab Mike's 28-day rapid fat burning meal plans to lose 10 pounds by Thanksgiving here:

=> 28DaysLeaner.com

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