Thursday, October 02, 2008

4-Week Transformation Contest Voting

Forget about Palin, Biden, Obama, and McCain for a moment...(Or Harper and Dion, for my fellow Canadians.)

The REAL issue to vote on is, "Who will be the winner of the 4-Week Rapid Weight Loss TT Transformation Contest?"

You get to pick the winner with your vote here:

But hurry, voting ends Monday, October 6th at midnight!
I've made my vote, now it is time for yours.
Check out these guys and gals who have lost up to 7-12 pounds in just 4 weeks with Turbulence Training. Just imagine how they are going to look after they finish their 12-week program.
You'll get to choose between...
1) Carmel, who was fed up and ready for a change, so she lost 7 pounds of fat with Turbulence Training in just 4 weeks
2) Francis, a former cyclist who grudgingly took up Turbulence Training and lost 6 pounds in 4 weeks to finally get 6-pack abs
3) Abby, who built muscle while burning an inch of fat from her stomach at the same time - even though she wasn't trying to lose fat!
4) Andy, who lost 8 pounds and 2% fat and can now see his abs
5) Tom, who is rapidly burning fat and is on his way to 6-pack abs in only 28 days
6) Dale, our "Biggest Loser", who lost 12 pounds of fat in 4 weeks
Cast your vote here and tell all of your friends to vote too:
But hurry, voting ends Monday, October 6th at midnight!
Rock the vote,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training
PS - Unfortunately, there was no live debate between our candidates,
but they are hotter and younger than Palin and Biden anyways. So
this is a much better contest to pay attention to!

And unlike some elections, your vote actually COUNTS in this contest, so cast your vote here today:

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