Sunday, September 21, 2008

Transformation to Change Your Life

Mark it down.
Make a plaque, put it on your wall.
Get it tattooed on your arm.
Monday, Sept. 22nd is the day you'll remember as being THE day when you turned your health around.
You have everything in life. Great spouse, wonderful kids, job you enjoy, comfortable house. A great life.
But you're tired. You're a little heavy. Can't keep up with the kids. Falling asleep after lunch everyday at your desk. Indigestion. Can't sleep at night. Blood pressure creeping up. Pants ain't fitting. Bathing suit unworn for 3 seasons now. Sick and tired of looking and feeling like you do.
This is your chance to change it all.
Today is the final, absolute last chance to start your 12 full weeks of the Turbulence Training Transformation Contest.
Just imagine the difference you can make between now and Dec. 14th by doing a body transformation that will change your life, because...
=> You could get a raise, since research shows that overweight folks are discriminated against when it comes to income.
=> It will give you the confidence to meet the love of your life.
=> Losing fat has already given so many Turbulence Training users more freedom, less embarrassment, and more happiness.
And remember...
The Contest is Free.
BUT it ends 12 weeks from start today!

You don't have to spend any money.
You don't have to "register" anywhere.
You don't even need to post your photos on the Internet if you don't want to...
All you need to do is...
1) Start using the Turbulence Training workouts ASAP
2) Send in your before and after photos by Dec. 14th, along with your 300-word story about how the contest changed your life.
Take a look at the details and then stop wasting time.
Get started changing your body right now. It's never too late.
I can't wait to hear your success story,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training
PS - It is all OVER in 12 weeks from Monday, Sept. 22nd.

Starting Monday gives you 84 days before the final day of Dec. 14th, when you have to send in your before and after photos and 300-word success story.

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