Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lose Weight, Win Money...and More

I'm giving you one more extra day at a chance to win my money, and I've extended the entry deadline of the 3rd Turbulence Training Transformation Contest to Monday, Sept. 15th.


You and I both know this contest is NOT about the money.

It's about sitting in a chair five years from now and being able to say one of two things.

First, and I don't recommend this, you could say, "Oh yeah, I haven't missed a wing night/pizza night/popcorn and soda at the movies night in 5 years. I never get around to working out either,
always too busy with my favorite shows on the TV."

And the person you're talking with will poke your belly and say, "Yep, I can see that."

Or, you could say this...

"Yep, for 12 weeks back in 2008 I gave up junk food, made my own meals, ate lots of fruits and vegetables, and I stuck to these 3 short workouts per week. I lost 15 (or even 30 pounds) and I have the photos right here to prove it. As you can see, I'm wearing my tiny old swimsuit I thought I'd never wear again.

"And thanks to those 12 weeks I developed lifelong, simple to follow habits that have not only allowed me to keep that weight off, but to lose a few more pounds along the way."

And the person you're talking with would poke your abs or your arms and say, "Yeah, I can tell you workout! Tell me your secrets."

So, I guess it's up to you.

12 more weeks just like every other week of your life that will only lead to regret.


12 weeks of sacrifice for a lifetime of pride and satisfaction.

Because this is going to take sacrifice.

Turbulence Training is not a "BS detox weight loss scam". You won't lose 10 pounds overnight with no effort. You are NOT overweight because you have stuff stuck to your colon wall. I don't care what the radio commercials tell you.

But if you are ready to make an honest-to-goodness transformation in your body and your eating and exercise habits, I can PROMISE you, you'll get all of my support, help, and expertise every single day.

It matters as much to me as it does to you.

You have until Monday to decide whether 2009 is going to be just like 2008 and all the frustrating years before it...

...or if 2009 is going to start off with a new you, 15-30 pounds lighter because of the 12 short weeks between now and Dec. 14th.

The choice is yours,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - The FINAL day to enter the Free TT Transformation Contest is...

Monday, Sept. 15th. That gives you 84 days before the final day of Dec. 14th, when you have to send in your before and after photos.

Find out all of the details on entering the free contest here:

=> Click Here to Enter the TT Contest

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