Sunday, September 28, 2008

How to Get Started On a Weight Loss Program

Here's one of the best, yet simplest tips I've read on getting started on a weight loss program.

"The best way to get started is to get started. Life rewards action...not reaction. Wait for nothing. Attack life. Don't plan to death or ask for permission...but act now...and apologize later."
Kekich Credo #81

We all need to pay attention to that lesson. After all, we can make a million and one excuses for not starting a new diet and workout program at this time of year...

- It's too close to the holidays.
- It's too stressful with all this craziness going on in the USA
- I'll wait till New Year's

And so on...

Or, you can be like TT Member Mike Cheliak, who didn't plan to death, or over-analyze things. Instead, he found an opportunity to better himself and on Sunday morning he was busy TAKING ACTION.

Here's what Mike had to say...

"OK...Sunday morning came and Craig's email advised that the NEW TT 6-Minute Abs routine was available.

I was already heading to the gym to do a Total Body Ten Circuit (available in Turbulence Training for Fat Loss - Page 94) and I felt a little guilty about enjoying too much unhealthy stuff the night before so I combined the two workouts (I did the advanced abs - because I am a glutten for punishment).

"I did three total body ten circuits and two advanced ab circuits. I was SOAKED from head to toe! I felt fantastic afterwards and my whole core had a really nice "warm" feeling as well. I have the distinct feeling that my abs will be yelling at me tomorrow! Thanks Craig...another time efficient killer routine to ad to the collection!"
Mike Cheliak,

Be like Mike. No more excuses.

You'll get the Total Body 10 and the 6-Minute Abs programs when you grab your copy of Turbulence Training for Fat Loss here:


Just get started,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

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