Monday, September 29, 2008

Free Abs Workout

Tell Ben Stiller he can forget about 7 minute abs...because the 6 minute free abs workout is here. Here's a FREE sample program from this new bonus you get with the TT for Abs System...

Beginner/Intermediate System #3
- Do these exercises in supersets with no rest between exercises.
- Rest 30 seconds before repeating the superset one more time.
- Move immediately to the next superset without rest.

1A) Side Plank - 20 second hold per side
- No rest.
1B) Stability Ball Rollout - 5 reps (2-0-1)
- Rest 30 seconds before repeating one more time.

2A) Bird Dog - 6 reps per side with a 3 second hold at the top (1-3-1)
- No rest.
2B) X-Body Mountain Climber - 5 reps per side (1-0-1)
- Rest 30 seconds before repeating one more time.

You'll be shocked at the results you can get in just 6 minutes with this free abs workout.

Here's feedback from one happy TT user who tried out the Beginner 6-Minute Abs workout...

"Hello Craig, I was sitting around watching football on the weekend and decided to do 6 minute abs beginner work out system #1. It was a tough but manageable workout and the abs definitely felt worked and I got that "I have a six pack on the way" feeling after doing it. It is very effective and my core feels stronger after doing it. I love that there were no crunches involved. No crunches is one of the many great aspects of your programs! On a side note, I told a friend about the name of the program and sure enough we just had to watch the "There's something about Mary" DVD later that day! We killed ourselves laughing. Thanks for the creative program with the creative name!"

No more crunches or 7-Minute Abs,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

For another free abs workout visit:

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Having taught an abs class, I know these are all good exercises, I was wondering what the Bird Dog exercise is? Since there is really no set name for most ab exercise.
