Monday, September 22, 2008

100 Days Left - Start NOW!

On Friday night I had dinner with some of the most motivational and inspirational fitness experts in the world, including Ryan Lee, Holly Rigsby, Vince DelMonte, and Isabel De Los Rios.
Dax Moy was also there, and he's my favorite "motivation/inspiration" expert, and he's the author of the Magic 100 program.
I've been using Dax's Magic 100 goal achievement program since 2006, and it's had a powerful effect on my life. From improving relationships to making me leaner and stronger, to even helping me broaden my musical horizons and hobbies, the Magic 100 has helped me improve the MOST IMPORTANT aspects of my life.
In fact, I believe so STRONGLY that everyone should be using the Magic Hundred program that I'm going to give you 3 free months to if you pickup a copy of the new and improved Magic 100 program before Wednesday at midnight.
When I see your order, I'll go in and update your TT Members account to add 3 months to your current membership, or I'll reactivate your account if for some crazy reason you let your membership expire.
Again, get this powerful resource. It is a proven system of guiding you to success. So go here and get the Magic 100:
I want you to succeed,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
PS - I'm such a big fan of Dax...
...that I'm flying all the way over to the UK to do a one-day seminar with him for personal trainers on Friday, October 24, 2008.
If you are a personal trainer who needs help with your website, find out more about the seminar.

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