Tuesday, September 02, 2008

#1 Transformation Diet Program

When Tiger Woods wins golf tournaments, people want to know about his workouts.

When Michael Phelps wins 8 gold medals, people want to know about his meal plan.

And when women win back-to-back Turbulence Training Transformation Contests, everyone wants to know what diet they used.

Well, let's hear from them...

"The TT workouts are intense, fun, and incredibly effective, but they were only one of several contributing factors to my success. Besides the TT workouts themselves, having clear goals and a plan to achieve them, eating clean food consistently, finding a diet that worked for me (Eat-Stop-Eat), and social support and accountability were the other key factors in making my transformation a success."
Emily Johnson, Winner of the 1st TT Contest

"What is it about Turbulence Training that got me beyond that dreaded plateau? First, I had a specific goal, and a date to reach it. I'd never done that before! Second I had Craig's workouts and intervals. The one two punch of resistance and intensity finally made the difference. Third, I "got it", about the importance of the right nutrition. Sensible whole foods and Eat-Stop-Eat made losing weight doable. Fourth, I had support. My loving husband and son were behind me from the beginning. Add to that the unmatched support I got on the TT boards, and my dream of transforming my body in 12 weeks came true."
Catherine Gordon, Winner of the 2nd TT Contest

Hmmm, I see a trend here. Will the winner of the 3rd contest also be using Eat-Stop-Eat?

Will you?

Click Here to find out more about Eat Stop Eat

You still have 2 weeks to join the 3rd TT Contest,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Want to know how Eat Stop Eat worked for me?

Read about my weekend experience with it...

Click here to read about Craig's Weekend Diet

"I'm just starting my third week on Eat-Stop-Eat, and it has been painless, there is no weighing, no measuring and best of all no guilt associated with eating what I wanted. Finally, I have found a program that I do not have to put any thought, counting or effort into. Its just EASY!"
Rosanne Clemente, former fitness competitor

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