Thursday, August 07, 2008

Workout while traveling

I'm traveling again this week, so I need to do at least one hotel gym workout while traveling, and hopefully tomorrow I will get into a regular gym to deadlift. This morning I worked out in the hotel gym here in NYC, doing...

1A) Wide Grip Seated Row - 3x8
1B) 1-Arm DB Standing Shoulder Press 3x8 with 55pound db's

2A) Narrow Grip Seated Row - 3x8
2B) DB Chest press - 1x20 with the 55's (That's all the gym had, although its' about 5 pounds heavier than most hotel gyms)

Then I walked down to Battery Park, then back up to Wall Street, across it, and then back to my hotel.

Last night I did an even longer walk...

I arrived in New York City last night around 5. We flew right over the city and it felt like we were only 10 feet above the skyscrapers. What an amazing view.

After a light dinner I started walking. That's what I do when I travel. I'll walk 12-17 miles in a day. I've done that in Sydney, Vancouver, Auckland, and Belfast, and I did several miles in Manhattan last night. In my opinion, I'd rather walk by ten buildings than go into one.

So I walked by the World Trade Center, amazed to see not much has changed since 2004, the last time I was at the site. On I went up through the always energetic Chinatown, the charming Little Italy, classy Soho, through the Village, and eventually made my way up to my favorite little place in Union Square, the Coffeehouse. After a stop there, I walked all the way back to my hotel down by the WTC.

Off to Boston later today,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - just posted...

one of my Mens' Health articles online...

Click Here for High Speed Fat Loss

This article features an interval training program and bodyweight circuit warmup.

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