Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Turbulence Training Scam?

Some folks ask if Turbulence Training is a scam...well, see what one Skeptic has to say...

Shanda, a Turbulence Training Skeptic, Loses 16.2 lbs, 6.3% body fat, and 17.25 inches in ONLY 12 Weeks
This has been an amazing 12 weeks. I never imagined that my life would change so much in such a short time. My husband introduced me to TT and the contest, and I decided to give it a try. For that I am very thankful.
Before joining TT, I would lose weight only to put it back on later. I was always on a “diet”, and my workouts were some form of slow cardio. There would often be an excuse for not being able to exercise, not having a gym membership or being too busy with the kids.
Many times I complained of being tired or not feeling well. I was told that it could be due to being overweight, but I didn’t agree. Pregnancy scared me because of additional weight gain.
I was skeptical about paying the $ to join TT, not knowing if it would work for me. Now I have to say that it was probably the best $ spent.
TT introduced me to weight training and intervals. I did all of my workouts at home with my 3 young boys hanging around. I never skipped a workout as it soon became habit. The workouts were hard, but I felt great when I was finished. I could feel the changes happening in my body.
My pants soon became loose, and then I started fitting into pants that I haven’t worn in years. I started getting comments from people, and I even had a 90 year old lady compliment me on my weight loss. I hadn’t realized it was so noticeable!
With the dropped pounds and inches also came more positive results. My husband no longer heard me complain of not feeling well or being tired. I now have much more energy; I enjoy taking long bike rides with my boys and being active with them.
You can see from my pictures just how much my posture has improved. I FINALLY feel like I have control over my body. And that is one amazing feeling. If I were to become pregnant again, I know that with the help of TT I would have a healthier pregnancy and be able to lose the baby fat.
I thought 12 weeks sounded like a long time, but as I look back, it went so fast. It made me realize that I can make amazing changes in that amount of time. I never imagined that after just 12 weeks, I would lose a total of 16.2 lbs, 6.3% body fat, and 17.25 inches!!!
Thank you Craig for a plan that I am able to follow and that is proven to work!
Day 1 Weight: 196.2 lbs
Day 84 180.0 lbs
Weight loss -16.2 lbs
Day 1 Body Fat: 34.7%
Day 84 28.4%
Body fat loss -6.3%
Day 1 Waist: 37
Day 84 32.75
Loss -4.25
Day 1 Hips: 44
Day 84 41.25
Loss -2.75
Day 1 Thigh 23
Day 84 20.75
Loss -2.25
Total loss of 16.2 lbs, 6.3% body fat, and 17.25 Inches!!!
Congrats Shanda!
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

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